:taking drugs

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That's all August's head consisted of, one big whirlwind of Ethan fucking Dolan. His eyes and his hair and his hands and his shirtless body- and his body with a shirt.

She'd thought about him constantly since the kiss but the funny thing was, she hadn't seen him since.

She knew that the boys were still in the hut because every so often she'd see Grayson hang their wet swimming trunks out to dry on the veranda.

August knew that Ethan was avoiding her or at least that's what she thought was happening. And for some crazy mad reason it broke her heart and almost made her break out all her bad habits again.

Without seeing him she wanted to both not sleep till the morning, and then not wake up till the afternoon.

Without seeing him she wanted to drink, and not just one bottle of wine she wanted the whole rack.

Without seeing him she wanted to smoke one thousand cigarettes and hell she wasn't even addicted.

Without seeing him she wanted to chew gum till her heart was content. She wanted to drink gallons of milk just to say fuck you to him being dairy free.

Without him she wanted to live off of coffee and only ever speak in a mumble and if not she wanted to cuss. She wanted to shout FUCK from her veranda just to get it off her chest.

Without him she didn't want to eat breakfast, or anything for a matter of fact.

Without him she suddenly felt,


Without him she wanted to meet up with her old group, have them call her Gus again and get so high that she'd forget that he was more than just her imagination.

And that's what she'd done, Bane had found her sat moping on the beach and one by one the group had got together and gone straight back to their old ways.

Molokai passed August a lit blunt and she took a hit before passing it to Kaleo who coughed a little after his drag but the rest were too head-fucked to realise.

"It's funny isn't it" laughed Bane "August thought she was all better than us, up and leaving for her fancy pants job but now look" he out spread his arms "your life ain't much different to mine, or brother Molokai's"

August scoffed, the difference was, was that Bane was way past his teenage years- hell he might've been past his twenties for all she knew.

"Fuck you" she spat towards him, she'd suddenly remembered why she'd stopped smoking with them.

"Dude lay off of Gus" Kaleo said in his dreamy stoned voice but Bane didn't listen to him a bit.

In fact he carried on ripping into August until she stood with her slow reaction times due to the marijuana and stuck up her middle finger before heading home.

It wasn't really late, only the afternoon but it was still a little dark and as usual August's heart had quickened, she'd stopped smoking because of the panic attacks it caused.

The Dolan twins had been surfing on a different beach, they'd even hired a car so they could travel further, but they'd arrived back at the hut just as August had turned the corner.

She had her arms wrapped round herself anxiously and she chewed upon her thumb nail even though she knew it was a bad habit and,


Even when she was high she was still thinking about Ethan.

August had zoned out and was finding it harder and harder to maintain her balance as she headed back home, if she hadn't done that walk a thousand times while baked she probably would've become lost too.

"Dude is that August?" Asked Grayson to his brother who looked up guiltily in the direction of the girl.

He knew he'd been a dick for not talking to her for two days but the boys needed him to film otherwise they'd have no footage of him and the fans would become worried and suspicious.

Ethan watched the girl stumble and decided after contemplation to approach her. She hadn't even noticed he was present when Ethan could smell the marijuana on her and see how her eyes were ringed with red.

"August?" He whispered and her head slowly raised to look at the hazy figure.

Her breathing getting heavier she was sure a panic attack was going to come on, and wow she hated herself more than ever.

"August are you high?" Ethan asked and the girl couldn't even respond her panic had increased so much.

He looked back to Grayson and watched as he entered his hut unbothered and finally Ethan linked his arm around August's body and brought her into her own house.

He needed to apologise.

But first he needed to help.

BAD HABITS | ethan dolanWhere stories live. Discover now