16. One day rivalry

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"Are you ready Star? The race would be starting soon."

The little bird nodded, her eyes full of determination as she preened her feathers.

"Are the two of you newbies seriously entering this race?" I heard an annoyed voice from behind me.

"Yep. Is there a problem?" I turned around, giving the dark-haired boy a cold look.

He sighed, looking down at me as though he was talking to a toddler. "You do know that in races, you are supposed to ride your spiritmal, right? How are you supposed to ride on that tiny bird?"

For a moment, I didn't get what he was saying. However, the realization that he didn't know about Star's evolution hit me a second later, making me realize that he thought I was going to ride on Star in her disguise form.

Well, it's payback time.

"I'll fit on her back somehow." I shrugged, answering him. "She's not that tiny. See, she's nearly the size of a basketball!"

I watched as Felix's expression turned to one of disbelief and confusion, trying my best not to smile at his weird expression. Meanwhile, his lionblitz pounced onto his shoe, tugging on his shoelaces.

"Hey! Hey! Get off Topaz!" He scooped the spiritmal up. "How many times must I tell you not to do that?"

I smiled a little at the sight. Now that wasn't something you see everyday. For the first time ever, I noticed how cute Topaz looked in his disguise form.

"Racers! To the starting line!"

Star perked up, jumping onto my shoulder. I calmed myself down as I walked over to the starting line alongside many other trainers. Somehow, I was acutely aware that Felix was following me to the starting line, even though we were heading in the same direction.

"Races! Gee up!"

The announcement boomed through the loud speakers.

I watched as the spiritmals around me all changed into their true forms, nodding my head as a cue to Star, she did the same. Transforming in a flash of light and stars.

I marveled at her beautiful sun-colored feathers as I climbed onto her back, getting ready to start the race.

Just then, I was distracted by a gasp from my right. Curious, I looked in that direction to see Felix completely bewildered by Star's new appearance.

I sighed.

Oh well, it wasn't everyday you get to see a spiritmal as rare as a glowstaride. Let alone one in its true from.

"On your marks!"

I brought my attention back the the race, holding on tighter to Star's feathers. I braced myself, this was going to be a wild ride.

"Get set!"

I took deep breaths... calming myself further.


Pushing Star forward, She zipped into the sky, leaving a trail of stars in her wake.

"So far so good Star! Now, keep up the pace! Oh and don't sprint!" I reminded her. The bird has a habit of rushing into things.

"Ok Emily!" Star answered, her eyes determined as we continued onwards.

I looked down to see that we were in third place, Felix taking the lead by a long shot.

Spiritmal, By The Light Of A StarWhere stories live. Discover now