28. Dawn of the Phoenixight

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Felix's point of view

Emily seemed to be suffering from something. She was grabbing her head and looked like she could give way any moment. Huh, extremely peasant-like if you ask me. Then again, this wasn't a time for jokes.

I rushed forward, just catching her as her legs gave way. Her breathing slightly ragged.

Ok... this was getting serious.

"Emily?" I questioned, panicking a little when she didn't answer, going limp the next moment. I looked at the glass tank to see that Star had fainted as well.

Of course... if Emily was really connected to Star like she said she was, she would suffer the same pain as her spiritmal.

In the background, Sleet's laughter was getting more and more annoying every second. Geez, that woman should really go work in a haunted house... still, couldn't she just shut up?

Just then, a loud piercing scream sounded through the area. It sounded like a gigantic Red-tailed Hawk, but a lot more menacing. The call seemed spiritual, even.

One of the Team Alchama members, a guy wearing yellow, pushed another button. This time, the button opened up a hole in the ceiling, revealing a shimmering blackish bird. Splatters of white and other colors were all over its feathers, like they were dipped in shimmering darkness if that was even possible.

Now that, was a perfect example of a spiritmal.

It's authority was as plain as day, or night, as this was a Phoenixight, the legendary of the planets and the moon.

However, something wasn't right. It seemed to emit a weird aura, not like I knew much about auras anyway. Still, something seemed wrong, sinister even.

"Phoenixight! Attack that man and his wolfabeast!" A Team Alchama member dressed in purple called out.

I gulped, grabbing Winter while dragging an unconscious Emily towards Topaz. I immediately commanded him to transform, not wasting a second on hopping onto his back. "Run Topaz! Run!"

That lionblitz didn't need me to tell him that twice.

Still, all that effort was for nothing as the Phoenixight cut our escape route off, already charging up some kind of powerful attack.

"Starrrrrrrrrrrrr..." I heard a fierce screeching, looking in the direction of Star to see her slowly standing up. After all that trauma she's been through, I was surprised that she could come around so quickly. Emily, however, was still out cold.

Suddenly, stars started swirling around her, a bright light soon enveloping the spiritmal. It faded away seconds later, an upgraded version of the Spiritmal in its place.

She had evolved... something I had never thought was possible. Still, she had proven me wrong, twice. I could feel Emily stirring slightly behind me as Star broke out of the glass tank with her newfound power. Her aura was stronger than ever... I could feel it. However, it still didn't seem to match that of the Phoenixight's.

"Wha- what happened?" Emily questioned, finally returning back to consciousness.

"I'll explain that later, peasant." I simply answered.

Star suddenly flew over, forming a large barrier around us as the Phoenixight released an extreme attack. She had managed to block off most of the impact, however, quite a lot still got through.

"That thing's no match for me..." Star confirmed, staring up at the gigantic bird.

"Do you still have the Dawn stone Emily?" The bird questioned. "I could use it to summon Dawnmorix and hopefully get us out of this mess.

"You're not doing that Star." The girl behind me replied. "You took a lot of damage the last time."

"That was because I was resisting it. I'm fine, really!"

I could feel Emily's discomfort on letting Star summon the legendary. Well, it made sense. I wouldn't let Topaz do that either. Still, it was the only chance of survival, not just for us, but for everyone on the planet. I think even a peasant like her should know that.

"Ok Star..." she finally answered, handing over the stone.

Around us, I could hear gasps from Team Alchama as they saw the stone being handled over. Well, I guess it serves them right for being evil.

I watched as Star touched the stone, light emitting from it. Another high-pitched cry sounded within seconds, a beautiful light-yellow bird with swirls of red and orange swimming around. It emitted another cry as it saw the Phoenixight, flying into the building as well.

"Thank you for calling me." A new voice ran through my head. Seeing the look on Emily's face, I could tell that she had heard it as well.

With that, the fiery bird swooped down, strong aura washing over the entire area.

The final battle has begun.
Did I catch you guys off guard with that Point of View change? ;)

Anyways, on another note, I may not be updating next week due to this double update. Still, there's a chance as I really want to wrap up the last 2 or so chapters as fast as I could.

Fun fact: while writing this part, I learned that an eagle's cry, as portrayed in most shows, is actually the cry of a Red-tailed Hawk.

Here's a comparison:

See you guys in the next part!

Spiritmal, By The Light Of A StarWhere stories live. Discover now