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Plane to Chicago, Illinois


Virgil woke up to the sound of talking. He remembered that he wasn't back at his tiny apartment in Washington DC. He tried to go back to sleep but the sound of many footsteps prevented that. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and looking around the plane. Virgil saw new people on the plane that clearly weren't there when he fell asleep.

"Roman! I told you to wake me up in two hours! It's clearly been more than six!" Virgil said.

"You looked so peaceful I didn't want to bother you! Plus, you look much better when you're sleeping. You don't glare as much." Roman laughed.

Virgil ignored Roman and saw other people on the plane. Two tall brunettes walked towards him. One was wearing a black polo shirt and a blue striped tie. The other was wearing a blue polo shirt and a gray cardigan wrapped around his shoulders. They both wore glasses that perfectly framed their faces.

"Hello, my name is Patton Boneco! It's nice to meet you!" The one with the blue shirt exclaimed. Virgil shook his hand reluctantly.

"And my name is Logan Discite. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance." The one with the black polo shirt said.

"You must be Virgil! Roman's told me about you." Patton said with excitement.

"Patton, you need to calm down." Logan said.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's just that I love meeting new people!" Patton said while rubbing the back of his neck.

He sat down on an empty seat. Logan smiled and sat down with him. They continued to chat for a while. The speaker came on and the agent said, "We will be arriving soon. Please get ready for landing."

Virgil looked outside and saw the beautiful city below him. He hated landing but he loved the scenery.

"Enjoying the view?" Roman said behind him. "It's really pretty, but not as pretty as me."

Virgil glared at him and said, "Hey, why don't you at least act like you enjoy it here. Not everyone has a lavish lifestyle like you."

Roman shrugged and walked away. Virgil watched from his seat as the plane descended. It didn't land on a runway, like most planes did. But then again, this was a super secret government agency he had never heard of until the agent had come to collect him, claiming him as needed.

Virgil watched in awe as the roof of the enormous building opened up and the plane lowered itself into what could only be called an oversized parking lot, but instead of parking ars, it was for parking various helicopters, planes, and Virgil had no idea what else.

When they landed, they all grabbed their stuff from the overhead cabinet and went out the door. Virgil was just happy to stretch his legs and breathe fresh air. He grabbed his stuff and practically ran out the door. What he saw amazed him. The interior was huge and there were bridges that helped people get to the other side of the building.

"I-I-I am at a loss for words!" Logan exclaimed. "I don't have the vocabulary to express how fascinating this is! Are those-" Logan talked to himself about how fascinating everything was and rambled about some sciencey stuff Virgil didn't understand.

Virgil didn't know Logan very well, but he already liked Logan better than everyone else. Like Virgil, he realized that Logan and himself were alike; they were both observers rather than talkers, they both tended to stay to themselves, and both of them thought Roman was an idiot. Logan looked over at Virgil and they gave each other an awkward smile.

"Sorry, it's just really cool!" Logan said. Virgil nodded in agreement. It was very cool. But it was also slightly intimidating, with all the people hurrying around, all the strangers carrying weapons that were no doubt a safety measure.

Virgil continued to look around. People who Virgil assumed were all government agents hurried around, carrying important-looking files, coffee, weapons, and things that he assumed to be science-y stuff. All the agents wore various levels of formal clothes, except for the few agents carrying weapons and science things. The one carrying weapons wore all-black and what seemed to be tactical gear. And- were those bulletproof vests? Virgil wondered what they could possibly need bulletproof vests for. He realized he was the reason the agents had bulletproof vests; him and the rest of the people that got off the plane with him. Of course, Virgil couldn't blame them. After all, there were four super powered individuals, as Valerie called them, who could probably bring the entire building down themselves. Virgil knew that with one thought he could topple the roof and crush everyone here; and it terrified him. His powers brought destruction, but he was told that he was needed. What could he possibly be needed for? A demolition crew?

"Oh my goodness! This is so amazing! How long did it take to build this whole place?" Patton asked Agent Torres-Rosario.

"Eh, I've seen better." Roman said unimpressed. Virgil could clearly hear the jealousy in Roman's voice, but he decided not to point it out. Roman walked to the head of the group and started talking to Patton. 'Great,' Virgil thought. 'friend groups have already formed.'

"Please refrain from touching anything please." Valerie said. "I'm talking about you, Mr. Boneco." Patton looked at her as if to say 'What did I do?'

Then, Virgil saw a man coming towards them. "Ah, they're finally here! I hope our guests didn't give you too much trouble Valerie." The man said.

He had an air of authority around him, even though he looked just slightly older than Virgil himself. The stranger ran a hand through his brown hair and smiled.

"Hi guys! Welcome to Chicago! Well, technically this is outside of Chicago, but that's the nearest city. I hope you had a good flight!" 

Sanders Supers [Sanders Sides AU]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang