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Florida, present day


"Hey, Talyn! So the reason why I couldn't go to the thing yesterday was...uh...I-I had to...feed my cat!" Patton stuttered on the phone. He sighed, knowing that Talyn wouldn't believe something stupid like that. The truth was, there was a lot of crimes that day and Patton completely forgot about Talyn's band concert. He had promised them that he would go to the band concert, and he had genuinely wanted to go. But all his plans went out the window when a gang threatened to shoot up the mall.

Luckily they didn't, but Patton had to miss his best friend's concert they had been working towards the entire year. Patton hated not telling Talyn what he could do, but their knowing would put them in danger. He wanted to protect his friends, even if it meant keeping secrets.

"Patton, what's going on? You can talk to me." Talyn replied, definitely not believing that he had to feed his cat. "Besides, don't you have one of those automatic cat feeder things?"

"Talyn, I wish I could, but I just-"

"It's okay, I get it. But if someone hurts you, just give me a name then no one will ever find their body."

Patton laughed. "I'm sorry, Talyn."

"If you have a boyfriend, you can tell me who it is."

"Ha, I wish I had one."

"Well, if you want to talk, you can tell me whatever you need to."

Patton debated telling them right now. But he realized how stupid it would sound; 'Talyn, I have superpowers and I missed the band concert because I had to fight a gang that was about to shoot people at the mall.'

They would never believe him, let alone understand. No, it was better to keep his powers to himself, better to protect Talyn.

"Pat, I gotta go now. Just remember that you can call me anytime, okay?"

"Yeah. Bye, Talyn. I'll get you a box of Krispy Kreme to make up for it."

"Okay. Just don't show my parents." They laughed. Patton felt less guilty about missing the band concert, but he still didn't feel like he deserved to have his apology accepted. He said bye to Talyn and hung up the phone.

Life was a lot harder after the exploding house incident. He was exposed to a lot of chemicals that day and had to get extensive treatment to cure it. But it just got worse and worse. When he returned to school after what happened, his friends noticed he was acting more distant and kept forgetting important events that he looked forward to before. As a result, most of his friends left him. Patton was just about to fall back asleep but then, there was a knock on the door. He got up and put on his glasses. The once blurry world became a lot clearer. He put on his slippers and walked down his house hallway. The house was dark. It was an old house Patton bought after graduating college. It wasn't the best house, with its leaks and cracks in the walls, but Patton still loved it. He opened the door and saw an official looking woman, with a badge in her hand.

"Mr. Boneco, I am Agent Torres-Rosario. You might be a bit confused right now, but all will be explained later." She said. Patton was sweating. He couldn't shake off the feeling that this woman knows that he has powers.

"What seems to be the problem, ma'am?" Patton said. He asked, trying to act as natural as he could with a federal agent standing at his door.

"Well, I can't exactly tell you the details right now, but there are other people out there with abilities like you do." She replied. This was bad. Very bad. She knew about him, she knew what happened. Should he pretend like he didn't know what she was talking about? Or did he ask more questions- he took a deep breath to try to calm himself down. There was no use in panicking for what could be no reason. But one word stuck to him- other. There were other people like him. Of course, he knew about Phoenix, the one who could control fire. He was on the news all the time, and all of the policemen in the world simultaneously loved and hated him for doing their jobs. But there were more people like him?

"What do you mean- abilities?" he asked worriedly. "I'm not a hero if you were wondering." He nervously laughed.

The agent sighed and said, "We know that you are a superpowered individual. You are not in trouble. I would recommend you to pack some bags because you will be gone for a few days." Patton sighed, relief flooding through his body.

"So, where are we going?" He said.

"We can't tell you yet." The agent said. Patton was relieved that he wasn't in trouble. At least, not for now, he thought.

Patton took out a backpack from his closet and started folding things up. He didn't care where that agent was taking him, as long as the place didn't leak.

"Fine. But at least tell me how far it is." He needed to at least know how far he'd have to travel to 'help' the government.

"It's not far, sir. It's in Chicago."

Chicago. That was still kind of far from the tiny Florida town he lived in, but at least it was still in the United States. Besides, maybe taking a break from his usual routine of avoiding calls and ignoring text messages would be good for him. In fact, it would probably be very good for him. "Well, let's go, I guess."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Boneco."

The agent had driven him to the airport in a black van with no less than five heavily armed soldiers. But Patton knew the weapons they had couldn't do anything against him; he could teleport away right now, if he wanted. But if he was being honest with himself, he was actually very curious about the 'others'. Who were they? What could they do, what did they look like- Patton had so many questions.

When he got to the airport and escorted to what the agent called a private jet. He hadn't ever seen a private jet the size of that one, taking up three runways and longer than anything he had ever seen, he got his answer to who the other people were. One wore a black hoodie and was sleeping, one a black polo shirt and a tie- who wore a tie on a plane? And the last he recognized as Phoenix.

"Hi, I'm Patton!" He smiled, introducing himself to everyone.

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