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TW: mentions of panic attacks

Logan couldn't really mean that, right? He couldn't have meant that he was going to find Deceit himself, with no one to help him. Not after he saw what Deceit could do- trap people in their own minds without laying a finger on them.

How could Logan be so reckless? He was supposed to be the smart one! For all Roman knew, Logan could be dead in a ditch somewhere!

Sure, Logan had a right to be angry, but he couldn't just walk out like that! Thomas's friend had just been murdered, and Logan expected to find Deceit all by himself after Deceit proved how dangerous he was!

The metallic smell of blood still hung heavy in the air, constantly reminding Roman of what had taken place just a few hours ago. It was close to midnight now and Logan still hadn't come back.

Roman found Virgil immediately after he had gone to wash his bloodstained hands

"Hey, Virge. Are you okay?" Roman asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just really worried about Patton." Virgil replied. "I know what it's like to have a panic attack-"

"Wait, you have panic attacks!?" Roman suddenly became worried for Virgil.

"Yeah. Well, not that many anymore. But anyway, I know what it's like to have a panic attack, and Patton kind of looked like he was on the verge of having one back there."

"What do people normally do when they have panic attacks?" Roman said.

"I really just wait for it to pass, and maybe listen to music." Virgil responded.

"Isn't it hard to just wait it out?" Roman asked.

"Sure, it takes a while but I've gotten used to it."

"You don't have to go through this all by yourself."

"It's okay, Roman. If I can't get through a panic attack without someone helping me, how do I do anything myself? Besides, I'm better now."

"Yeah, but- I just don't want you to get hurt." Roman hugged Virgil, putting his arms around the shorter man.

"Thanks, Roman." Virgil mumbled, returning the hug. "I guess I'm kind of scared, too. What if Deceit hurts you? What happens then?"

"He won't, I promise. And I won't let him hurt you, I swear."

"I trust you, Roman." Virgil sighed. "And I won't let him hurt you either."

"We'll look out for each other." Roman added.

"Thank you. I'm just really worried. I don't know how badly Patton is reacting, and we don't know what happened to Deceit, and we don't know where Logan went, and I'm just really worried about everyone, because what if Logan is dead somewhere-"

"Virge, just breathe, okay? We'll find Logan, and we'll stop him before he does something stupid. As crazy as that sounds, it's possible. Even the smartest people can do some really dumb stuff, and we'll find Logan before he does something exteremely stupid."

"I hope so." Virgil nodded.

Roman and Virgil hugged for a minute before Patton walked into their hallway, red-faced and crying.

"Patton, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Roman asked. Patton nodded, despite the tears rolling down his face.

"I know you're not okay. Is it because of Logan?" Virgil asked.

"I'm so worried for him, Virgil! I know he's really smart but what if he gets hurt?" Patton exclaimed. "I'm just-" Patton managed to get out before bursting into tears.

"Patton, listen to me. Logan will not do anything rash because of you. Do you know why? Logan loves you. I know for a fact that he does. Don't deny that you like him. Don't say that he wouldn't like you back. I am so tired of you two having a crush on each other but too scared the other person won't like them back." Roman explained. Patton seemed to be stunned to silence. After a while, he responded.

"Really?" He asked quietly, his voice fragile. Roman nodded. "But he- he said he didn't want help from any of us."

"People say things they don't mean all the time, Patton." Roman assured Patton.

"But, that doesn't mean that he isn't hurt or something." Virgil added in.

" true." Roman sighed.

"We need to help him." Patton said, determined.

"We don't even know where he is." Virgil countered.

"But we need to at least try to find him." Roman stated.

"What if he doesn't want to be found? He did say he didn't want help." Virgil shrugged. Roman sighed.

"Well, what can we do?" Roman asked, defeated.

"We could wait for him. If he doesn't come back by tomorrow, we look for him." Virgil responded. Roman nodded in agreement.

"I don't know. What if he's hurt? What if he found Deceit and bad things have already happened to Logan? I have a really bad feeling for him." Patton replied solemnly.

"I'm sure he's fine, Patton." Roman assured him.

"What if he's not? I just have a really bad feeling."

"Patton, I know what it's like to be super worried about people, but Logan is a smart guy. If he was in trouble, he'd come back, or at least find a way to call us. I don't feel great about it, either, but Logan isn't stupid." Virgil added.

"Besides, there's no way he found Deceit already. Deceit always disappears after he does something." Roman said.

"Well, I guess." Patton gave in. Roman knew Patton was extremely worried for Logan. After all, Logan did run away to find a dangerous criminal, but not before tearing open Patton's heart and stepping on it.

Patton must like him a lot, Roman thought to himself. Or he knows Logan didn't mean what he said, which is probably right. There's no way Logan could have meant what he said.

"Hey Patton, let me tell you something. So I went into Logan's room a few days ago, right?"

"Why?" Virgil asked.

"I know it sounds weird out of context but I gave him some advice. He wanted to confess to you, Patton. I don't know if he had a plan to say something to you, or if he wrote down anything, but I just wanted you to know."

Patton just nodded.

"I just want to tell Logan that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so afraid, I'm sorry for not believing him, and I'm really, really sorry for anything bad that's happened to him."

"Patton, you can't worry about every action that someone else decides to make.

"I know." Patton responded. "So should we tell Thomas that we'll wait for Logan and if he doesn't come back, we'll look for him?"

"Yeah, we should." Virgil said. "If he isn't already in trouble." 

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