Twenty Eight

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"I'm so tired of your ego, Roman! I'm tired of you always thinking that you're some sort of saint!" Logan yelled, pointing to him. He turned to Virgil.

"I tried to warn you but since you were so worried about ruining your relationship with Roman, you just sided with him to not disappoint him!" Logan screamed. Virgil hung his head, looking guilty. Logan turned to Thomas and said,

"If you would have at least tried to find the other person, then we could have found out what their powers were and stopped this from happening!" Thomas looked offended but he knew that Logan was right.

"Patton, I thought you would have at least believed me but you didn't because you were so scared of him. You wanted to believe that he wasn't going to escape so badly. But since we didn't try to stop that, now more people will get hurt! Was this what you wanted?!" Logan screamed. Roman saw that Patton's eyes began to water.

Logan didn't even seem to care.

"Now because of all of your ignorance, I'm going to find him myself and see what he's up to!" Logan shouted, walking towards the door.

"Wait! Logan, don't go! It's too dangerous! You need us!" Patton cried. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. His lips trembled as he watched Logan opened the door. Patton froze up as he heard what Logan said next to him.

"I don't need any of you." Logan said, his voice low. That statement echoed throughout the whole room. Logan slammed the door and stomped away. Patton tried to chase after Logan, tried to make Logan see reason, but he couldn't hold back his tears anymore, couldn't stop himself from crying.

"Wait, Logan. Stop, you can't do this-" Patton whispered. He collapsed to his knees and started sobbing.

Patton didn't know how long it was before he heard footsteps come running up behind him.

"I can't believe that Logan just snapped like that. I didn't think he was capable enough to." Roman muttered.

"I mean, we did kind of brush his warnings off." Virgil remarked.

"It's my fault. If I wasn't such a coward and listened to Logan, then I could have helped him find the accomplice and prevent Deceit from escaping." Patton said shakily.

"Give him some time, he'll cool off." Virgil responded. Roman went cold as a realization hit him.

"Guys, you don't think he'll actually try and capture Deceit by himself, right?" Roman whispered. The others froze too.

"Logan wouldn't be stupid enough to do that right?" Virgil said, uncertain.

"I don't think he'll find Deceit anyways. How would he find him? He always disappears, after all." Thomas answered, although his tone seemed uncertain too.

Patton kept crying. He stopped trying to hide what he really felt: pain, sadness, anger, fear. Pain at being yelled at; sadness for not realizing that he should have listened; anger for how he should have done better, for how he should have not been so stupid; fearing for Logan- did Logan really think that he could recapture Deceit alone? Did Logan really think that he could figure everything out by himself?

Patton didn't blame him for being angry- in fact, Logan was probably right to be mad at them. No, he was definitely right to be mad. None of them had listened to him, none of them had heeded his warnings about Deceit.

Deceit- everything went back to him. Patton's shoulder stung when he thought about him, a painful reminder that Deceit was stronger than anyone had imagined.

And now that he was running free again- Patton didn't want to think about what that meant.

Didn't want to think about what that meant for the innocent people that would be hurt.

Didn't want to think about what it meant for Thomas, who was no doubt in danger now that Deceit was out and surely wanted to hurt him.

And Patton really, really didn't want to think about what it meant for Logan, who was going to try to find Deceit by himself.

"I'm sorry, Logan," he whispered through his tears. "I'm so sorry."

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