Thirty Nine

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"Logan? Hey, Logan!" Roman yelled. Patton and the rest of the group trailed behind him. Patton was nervous. It could be possible but if Deceit was really Logan, where is the real Logan?

"Yes, Roman? How may I assist you?" Logan responded, opening the door to the lab to let them in.

"Uh, what is your favorite jelly brand? I was going to send someone to the store, and I remembered that you liked jelly." Thomas asked. Patton noticed that Logan was fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt.

"Oh uh, Smuckers is fine." Logan answered, somewhat confidently.

"Hmmm, interesting." Roman said. Patton watched as Roman walked up to the desk that had notebooks neatly stacked in the corner. He picked one up and skimmed through it.

"Logan, remember when you asked us questions about Deceit and how much we know about him?"

"Yes." Logan stated.

"Why did you ask us those questions?" Roman asked.

"To make a plan to catch him."

"Logan, I'm surprised that you didn't know the answers to the questions you asked us." Virgil said.

"Well, I wanted all of us to collaborate and think of a plan together." Logan answered. Patton knew that this was getting them nowhere. Then, he thought of an idea.

"Logan. Remember when you wrote a letter to me? Do you remember what it said?" Patton questioned him.

"Of course. How could I forget that letter? I gave it to you." Logan answered. Patton lunged at him and pinned him to the floor as he heard the others shout out in surprise, shock, fear, or all three at once.

"Stop lying. I know it's you, Deceit! Where's Logan?! What did you do to him?!" He shouted. Deceit changed back into his original appearance and just smirked.

"Tell us where Logan is!" Virgil yelled. Deceit started laughing his maniacal laugh. It gave Patton chills down his spine, even when Deceit was pinned to the floor.

"I've been trying to get him to tell me more information about all of you but he won't budge. It's adorable how hard he's resisting. He's loyal to you guys, but it is foolish. I've been chipping away at his sanity each day to break him." Deceit smiled like a psychopath.

"You monster! What did you do to him?" Roman chimed in.

"Just enough to barely keep him alive." Deceit answered.

"Logan's smart. He'll escape you!" Thomas said.

"I made sure that doesn't happen." Deceit stated simply. He started to radiate light from his body and within seconds, he was gone, but not before Patton struck him in the face with a well placed punch that nobody saw coming. Deceit stumbled back a step then vanished.

"Find him!" Roman shouted as he ran to close the door.

"I can't believe you did that, Pat! That was so cool! You know, you're the first one to actually land a blow on him," Virgil said with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I guess," Patton replied, rubbing his hand where it had connected to Deceit's half-scaled face.

Suddenly, something in Patton clicked. He thought that the glow was familiar. He had seen Deceit transform back to himself before he passed out.

"Of course. It was an illusion. Deceit is probably somewhere torturing Logan for answers." Roman realized.

"Poor Logan. What is Deceit doing to him?" Patton whispered.

"Wouldn't he be able to escape with his powers?" Virgil said to no one in particular.

"He can only move objects, he might be in like a padded cell or whatever." Roman shrugged.

"Where do you think Logan is now? He might be anywhere!" Patton sighed.

"You do remember how hard it was to find Logan last time, right?" Virgil pointed out.

"We have to try." Patton firmly stated.

Sanders Supers [Sanders Sides AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن