Thirty Three

107 11 4

So sorry for the late update!!! It's exam season for schools ;-;

Logan still hadn't returned. It had been two days, and Thomas had a team of people watching surveillance cameras all over Chicago, but Logan still hadn't been found. Virgil hadn't been allowed to leave to search for him because Thomas said it was too dangerous with Deceit still out there.

Virgil wanted to seek out Roman, but felt like it would be bothering him too much, so Virgil just did what normally helped him calm down: listen to My Chemical Romance, whom Virgil still couldn't believe was back! Virgil closed the door to his room and put on his headphones in an attempt to not worry about what could have happened.

But even Gererd Way preferring to die rather than become a vampire couldn't take Virgil's mind off what could have happened to Logan.

Logan could have gotten lost, or he could be dead right now, or even worse, he could have actually found Deceit. Virgil refused to go down that rabbit hole of what might have happened to Logan if he found Deceit.

Virgil didn't know how long he had been listening to music for when a knock at his door made him pause one of his favorites, Vampire Money.

"Hey, Virgil? It's Roman, can I come in?" He heard.

"Yeah, go ahead." Virgil responded. He heard the door creak open. Roman stuck his head in the crack.

"Did you want to tell me something?" Virgil asked.

"Yeah. I got a message from Logan." Roman said.

"Wait, wait, what?" Virgil shouted. "Since when?"

"I just got it." Roman shrugged.

"I'm surprised that he didn't tell Patton first." Virgil added. Roman nodded.

"I knew you were worried, and I didn't want you to keep stressing out about this. You seem to be a little out of it lately."

"Have you seen Patton? If I'm out of it, he's in space. He hasn't slept well since Logan disappeared." Virgil pointed out.

"I know. We should probably tell Patton the good news. Maybe he'll finally get more than four hours of sleep." Roman chuckled. Virgil got up from the bed and walked with Roman to Patton's room.

Roman knocked on Patton's door.

"Come in," Patton said after a minute.

Patton opened his door and smiled sadly.

"Hey, Pat. You don't look so good. Have you been sleeping at all?" Virgil asked him, knowing what someone looked like if they hadn't gotten enough sleep. The bags under Patton's eyes could rival Virgil's own insomniac tendencies.

"I guess. Thomas and I have been taking melatonin so we can sleep earlier but it hasn't been working like I thought it would. I keep waking up earlier and I can't get back to sleep." Patton sighed while covering his face.

"Well, Patton, you need not worry anymore! Logan sent me a voicemail! He's alive! And safe!"

Patton relaxed as soon as Roman told him the good news.

"He left a voicemail, do you want to hear it?" Roman pulled out his phone and opened the message Logan had left.

"Yes, please. Yes!"

Roman pressed play, and a recording of Logan started playing.

"Hello, Roman. It's Logan. I didn't know anyone else's phone number, so that's why I'm calling you. I left my phone and wallet in my room, so I I had to call from someone else's phone. I am on my way back to the base. I apologize for the disagreement, and I hope you all accept my apology. I will be back at the base soon."

Virgil couldn't tell if Patton was crying tears of joy or laughing that Logan was safe and still alive. Probably both, Virgil thought.

"We need to tell Thomas that Logan is safe!" Patton exclaimed through tears. He was practically jumping up and down. They all headed out the door and almost ran into Thomas himself in the main hallway.

"Wow Patton, I haven't seen you in a while." Thomas chuckled at his own joke, but Virgil saw in Thomas's face that he wasn't really happy. His friend had died just days ago, so Virgil really couldn't blame him. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Logan's back! Well, not yet, but he left a voicemail. He's on his way here!" Patton cried.

"Really? That's great news! Now we can take down Deceit with everyone here!"

"Indeed." They heard a familiar voice behind them.

"Logan!" Patton squealed. He gave Logan a huge bear hug and Logan patted him on the back in return.

"What happened?" Roman asked Logan.

"Well, I tried to find Deceit, but he didn't want to be found. I guess I just had to cool off. I stayed at a hotel for a night, because I was still angry. I am sorry."

"It's okay, Logan. But I thought you didn't have your wallet?" Patton replied, looking up at him.

"Oh, I always keep a credit card on me." Logan answered. Patton nodded, still smiling.

"It's okay to cool off once in a while. I'm sorry for not helping you Logan. You were right." Thomas said.

"You don't have to help me Thomas. You just lost an accomplice and you were trying to find Deceit for a few days with no rest. Why don't you take a break for a few days? We'll take over." Logan offered.

"That's sweet, Logan. But are you sure?" Thomas hesitated.

"Of course. You can count on us." Logan assured him. Roman and Virgil nodded.

"Okay, then." Thomas sighed. "When?"

"Effective immediately." Logan confirmed.

"Thank you, Logan." Thomas said, a look of relief on his face.

"I want to have a meeting with everyone. Patton, Virgil, Roman, you, and Valerie. We need to get more organized and create a plan of what should be done. I only want people that we all trust in that room to make sure there are no spies. And perhaps as an extra security measure, all the cameras in that room should be turned off, just to ensure that no one else can look or listen in on what we do." Logan said.

"Wow, yeah, those are good ideas. We should listen to you more often, I guess. And I'm sorry I didn't listen before." Thomas replied sadly.

"No, no. You don't need to feel sorry for what happened. You've seemed really stressed lately. I am sorry I can't do more for you, but trying to make plans has been wearing you thin." Logan continued.

"Yeah. So do you have any plans for what to do? About Deceit, I mean." Virgil asked Logan.

"Of course I do. Let's go into a meeting room, and I tell you everything." Logan led the way to the room they had used before to plan. 

Sanders Supers [Sanders Sides AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora