Thirty Four

123 11 6


TW: minor swearing

Roman had wanted to ask Virgil if he wanted to see Frozen Two. But that was before everything went to hell and Logan stormed out, leaving Patton a lovesick mess and Virgil an anxious wreck. A handsome anxious wreck, but a wreck nonetheless.

But Logan was back now, Thomas was working on finding Deceit, and Elsa was still singing in the movie theater on the block over. It would be perfect to be with Virgil again! But first Roman had to sit through what was sure to turn into a Logan-lecture about what to do about Deceit.

Roman believed there had been too much talking and not enough action when it came to fighting foul villains! The most planning they needed to do was who went in first! But even then, they could all go in at the same time!

Roman sat next to Virgil in the meeting room that Logan insisted they come into to talk.

"Okay," Logan began, taking a cap off a dry-erase marker. "What do we know about Deceit so far?"

"He can make illusions," Virgil said. Logan started two lists on the board, one marked 'what we know' and the other 'what we don't know', and wrote 'illusions' under the 'what we know' list in his neat handwriting.

"What else do we know?" Logan prompted.

"He is working with someone that has powers." Patton added. "But we don't know who it is."

Logan wrote 'working with someone' under the 'know' category and 'who are they?' under the 'don't know'. "He disappears whenever we try to catch him." Roman stated. Logan wrote 'disappears' under 'know'.

"We don't know everything he can do with his powers," Patton suggested. Logan wrote that down.

"We know he's a slimy boi!" Roman added as Logan rolled his eyes.

"Please be serious, Roman." Logan sighed.

"I can't be serious, he's a Harry Potter character!" Roman laughed.

"Ha, ha. Very funny, Roman. But this is an urgent matter. We need to have a list of everything we know about Deceit, and everything we don't, so we can start filling in the blanks."

"Yeah, yeah. We should really just work on finding him and attacking!" Roman exclaimed.

"There are only so many people with abilities in this world, right?" Patton pointed out before an argument could start between the two.

"Well, do you know anyone else with superpowers then?" Virgil retorted.

"Well, no but they should be somewhat easy to find, right?"

"Then why haven't we found them?" Virgil asked.

"We don't know what they are capable of." Logan jumped in. Virgil sunk into his seat and crossed his arms.

"You do bring up some solid points, though, Virgil." Logan quickly amended. Virgil just gave a thumbs up.

Roman gave Virgil a smile.

"Don't worry," Roman whispered to him. "If Deceit ever tries to hurt anyone here, I'll burn his ugly snake face off with my fire."

"Thanks, but I can defend myself. And you know who you're talking to when you say 'don't worry,' right? " Virgil responded. Roman just shrugged. Logan cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. Or so Roman thought.

"If you two lovebirds are done, we have urgent business to attend to." Logan said, impatient.

"Right, right, sorry." Virgil apologized.

Sanders Supers [Sanders Sides AU]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن