Twenty Three

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Virgil didn't know where he was going, just walking around the base to try to clear his head. It was a common thing for Virgil to do- just go for a walk or ride his bike to try and organize his thoughts when his mind was cluttered with worry.

Virgil knew that Logan was right; Deceit couldn't be trusted, and he was probably going to try to escape. He couldn't stop the feeling that something was... well, off about Deceit. His capture seemed too easy, but why would he have wanted to be captured? What was his reason? Virgil couldn't stop wondering why.

"Hey, lighten up, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance. Thomas has everything under control, so you're free to come get a coffee with me. You know, just you and me." Roman's voice shook Virgil from his thoughts.

"What?" Virgil asked. He wasn't sure he heard Roman correctly.

"I said, do you want to go get a coffee. Just you and me. Perhaps at a Starbucks?" Roman repeated.

Was Roman... asking him out?

"You barely even know me." Virgil said, more confused than before.

"Think of it like a blind date." Roman explained.

"I don't understand-" Virgil began.

"You worry too much about everything. We'll get to know each other on the date." Roman said. Virgil was still unsure about it.

"Just trust me." Roman assured Virgil. Virgil sighed and gave in.

"When?" He asked. He saw Roman quietly celebrating. Virgil waited until he stopped. Roman turned around and responded.

"Uh, How about Tuesday next week?" Roman said while rubbing the back of his neck. Today was Saturday, so the date would be in three days, Virgil quickly counted.

"Do you know if there is a Starbucks or a cafe near here?" Virgil asked.

"Of course. Do you really think I'm that unprepared?" Roman smirked. Virgil smiled the tiniest bit.

"Just wanted to know what kind of person I'm working with." Virgil smirked back.

"So... cool?" Roman said awkwardly.

"Cool." Virgil replied.

"Great!" Roman exclaimed. He left Virgil alone with his thoughts again. The other worries that Virgil had disappeared. A date with Roman! What if he embarrassed himself? What if after the date Roman would ghost him or something? Virgil supposed that ghosting probably wouldn't happen, seeing as they were basically coworkers, but it could still happen! Virgil was extremely worried, but for some reason, he couldn't stop smiling.

If this date goes well, would they be in a relationship? He had to calm down. It was next week after all. He had plenty of time, right?

Virgil started walking again with no destination in mind, and almost bumped into Logan.

"Woah, sorry Logan." Virgil said.

"It's fine." Logan sighed. Virgil saw that he was still worried.

"Still on edge, huh?" Virgil asked. Logan nodded.

"It's just... I'm not saying that Thomas is being careless, but it just seems like no one sees how concerning this is." Logan responded. "And I don't want him to hurt anyone else, especially not Patton again. He's still healing from what happened to him."

"I know what you mean." Virgil nodded.

"We already saw how much damage he's caused. Who knows what he can do with his accomplice?" Logan ranted. "And he's not even struggling against the guards. He wants us to think that he's not going to escape. He wants us to think he's given up." Logan continued.

"I agree. But I would just trust Thomas. He did do his research on Deceit." Virgil said.

"But we don't know who the accomplice is!" Logan exclaimed.

"It may be a normal person. There aren't a lot of super powered individuals in America." Virgil countered.

"We shouldn't just be looking for Americans. Why is it that all the superheroes are American? I mean, shouldn't there be some foreign people with powers? I mean, some countries have terrible safety regulations, so why aren't there more foreign superpowered people?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, okay. That's a good point, but wouldn't it be more convenient for Deceit to be in contact with someone who's from here?" Virgil pointed out.

"True," Logan sighed. "But it's still a momentous task, attempting to compile a list of all known individuals with powers, and there are so many things we still don't know about our abilities."

"Well, yeah, but we won't be able to find who Deceit is working with if we never start on the list."

"Good point. Thomas asked me to help with the list, so I should get going now. You're welcome to come with me, if you would like to help"

"Yeah, sure." Virgil agreed.

Anything to get his mind off the earlier conversation with Roman. But did Virgil really want to forget it?

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