Twenty Six

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It was Tuesday. Tuesday! Roman was so happy he could have screamed. He hadn't wanted to show it, but when he asked Virgil if he wanted to go on a date, Roman was so, so nervous. of course, he didn't show it, though. There were so many things that could have gone wrong! Virgil could have said no to him!

But Roman knew that there was no use in thinking what could have gone wrong in the past- the past had already happened, and it was only depressing to think about what could have gone wrong, especially when everything had gone so right! He immediately got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Hi, Logan!" Roman said.

"Hello, Roman. I'm assuming that you are excited about your date, correct?" Logan asked as he watched Roman practically jump up and down.

"Oh I can't wait Logan! This is what it feels like confessing to your crush! You should try it some time." Roman smirked.

"We are not going to talk about this again Roman." Logan sighed, rubbing his temples. Roman just shrugged.

"Well, I'm going to be on my way now!" Roman squealed.


"Oh, I will!" Roman smiled. He waved to Logan and skipped away. Roman decided that today was the best day of his life.

Then he realized something.

What about the other people that might recognize him? They might bother him and ruin their date.

'Stop it, Roman! Today is going to be a great day.' He assured himself. He had already practiced what he was going to say in front of his bathroom mirror and picked out what he was going to wear. He wanted to wear something casual, but not too fancy like he was trying too hard- it was only a cafe, after all. He finally settled for a white button up shirt and black pants. He had messed with his hair a little bit so it would look nice. He looked at his watch as he was walking to Virgil's room. The door opened and revealed a well dressed Virgil on the other side. Roman was a bit taken aback. Virgil almost always wore hoodies, but instead of his normal patchwork jacket, he wore a lavender dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and khakis.

"Sorry that I don't own anything nicer." Virgil said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No, no it's fine! You look great!" Roman assured him.

"So do you!" Virgil said. They both went downstairs, walking with each other and opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator.

"So, Virgil," Roman said after they got outside the compound and into the street. "What do you want to talk about? What do you like?" Roman asked, wanting to get to know the handsome purple-haired emo Disney prince walking next to him.

"Oh, well, I really like music-"

"Do you know Heathers!?" Roman interrupted excitedly.

"Of course, I love Heathers! You know, I actually was in a Heathers production. I was Kurt," Virgil laughed.

"No way! I was also in a Heathers! I was one lovely Jason Dean." Roman laughed. "I played a pretty convincing straight guy."

Virgil smiled. "I'm sure you did. So what's your favorite musical?"

"Oh, man. I really love Hamilton, and Heathers, and Dear Evan Hansen... but I think my favorite is probably Wicked."

"Yeah, Wicked is really good. Though I have to say that my favorite is Beetlejuice. This is a show about death!" Virgil sang. "But do you like bands? What kind of music?"

"Well, I mostly just listen to show tunes and Disney songs."

"Ha, okay Princey."

"What about you? What do you listen to?"

"It's like... a lot of stuff people consider punk or heavy metal. Like Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance."

"Oh wait! I know them! High Hopes, right?" Roman exclaimed.

"Yes, High Hopes is one of his songs. But I personally think it's way overused and overplayed. Miss Jackson is so much better." Virgil sighed.

"Right, right. I definitely agree." Roman smiled and made a note to listen to all the songs Panic! At The Disco had ever released, just so he could talk about music with Virgil.

"You've never listened to Miss Jackson, have you?"

"Ah, no, not really."

"You should listen to it! I think you'd like it." Virgil said

"Okay, okay, after the date." Roman noted. They walked inside the cafe and ordered their drinks, Roman ordering a chocolate latte and Virgil an iced coffee.

"Isn't it a little cold for that?" Roman asked, pointing to Virgil's drink.

Virgil shrugged, and replied, "It's never too cold for a gay stereotype."

"That's fair."

Roman and Virgil sat at the table in the corner, just sitting and drinking their coffee, enjoying each other's company, talking about things they liked or had in common. They laughed together until the coffee was gone, smiling at each other.

Roman was so, so glad he had decided to ask Virgil. He had been nervous, but it had paid off. Roman couldn't remember the last time he had been so happy with someone. Even just being in the same place as Virgil made Roman smile. Sure, they had teased each other before, but some people might have called it 'lovingly teasing.'

Either way, Roman was happy to be in the nearly-empty cafe with Virgil.

"It's getting a little late, do want to head back?" Roman asked after a while.

"Yeah, I guess we should head back." Virgil responded.

They got up and started walking a few blocks back to the STAR headquarters when Virgil spoke up.

"So, Roman. We went on a date..."

"Yeah! Did you have fun?" Roman asked.

"I did. But are we- are we like, a thing now?"

"Do you want to be?"

"Ye-yeah, I'd like that."

Roman smiled. "So, do you want to go on another date soon?"

Virgil nodded. "Yeah! When are you available? Well, I mean I guess we all have the same work schedule, but when do you want to go out together?"

"As soon as we can, Virge. Frozen Two is out, would you like to see it with me?"

"Yeah, I'd love that. We might need to rewatch the first one, though." Virgil grinned.

"That's doable, Hot Topic."

Roman and Virgil walked back to the base in silence, Roman looking at Virgil the whole time. All of his nervousness had eased as soon as Roman saw that Virgil was more nervous than he was at the beginning of their outing.

"Hey, are you okay?" Roman asked when they got back to S.T.A.R.. Virgil shook his head and took a deep breath.

"I don't know. The date was awesome but I can't seem to get the feeling that something bad is going to happen. Remember when Logan told us that Deceit might escape?" Virgil questioned Roman.

"Well, he said that he might. There's no proof that he most definitely would." Roman said. "Besides, he probably said that to make us scared."

"I guess you're right." Virgil sighed. Roman put one arm around Virgil and smiled.

"Let's just think about right now. Not the future, not the past, right now. Look at the moon. Look how happy everyone is. Look at the trees, reaching for the sky. Look at the stars that tell stories of mythical creatures and gods. Just relax, Virgil."

"Wow. That was beautiful. You should be my therapist." Virgil chuckled.

"Yeah. I should take my own advice someday. I talk too much." Roman said.

"Sometimes that's good! You keep everyone entertained."

"By talk too much, I mean I have a big mouth." Roman laughed.

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