Thirty Two

128 13 2

TW: Blood, torture, death, swearing, graphic imagery

"Is he awake?" Logan heard from the darkness. He knew who it belonged to. Deceit's accomplice. The very one he warned everyone about.

Correction: the one he tried to warn everyone about.

It was no use now. He was captured and tortured for answers. Answers he knew but would not tell Deceit, even if it meant he would die a slow and painful death. He wanted to take off the blindfold but they kept holding him back, preventing him. He couldn't move at all. Logan tried to calm himself down. He attempted to take steady, rhythmic breaths and tried to keep his heart rate from going faster.

"Check his thoughts." Deceit said. Logan panicked and tried to think of nothing. He pretended that he was in space. Silent, pitch black space.

He knew that it was no use. He would only be shaken back to reality, from the calm blankness he tried to picture himself in.

"He's awake. You seem to forget that I can hear your thoughts, too." They responded. Logan knew what was coming. He heard footsteps coming towards him. Logan sat more still than he already is. He felt gloved hands take off the blindfold ever so carefully. He could see the blurry silhouettes of Deceit and his friend.

"So Logan, how was your rest? You got up pretty quickly. Sooner than your friend. What was his name? Patton?" Deceit remarked sarcastically. Logan said nothing. He tried not to give away anything. He only looked at Deceit, trying to get an idea of his surroundings. His hands were bound behind him, chained to the cold metal chair. Black spots still occasionally danced across his vision, worsening his headache from being knocked out with- Logan tried to remember the symptoms of poisons commonly used to put people under. Ether, nitrous oxide- its was most likely trichloromethane. Logan recalled the sickly sweet scent and almost gagged, but seeing Deceit standing over him with a smile made Logan force himself to breathe without recalling the stench of a cloth over his mouth.

"I know what you think of us, Logan, but we're not that merciless. We'll give you three choices. One, you can tell us what S.T.A.R is planning and we'll let you go. Two, you can join us. Three, you can die at the hands of him and I." Deceit pointed to his partner. Logan once again said nothing. He merely just glared at him. Deceit sighed.

"Another stubborn one. When you tell us, you can live. I say 'when' because I trust you'll make the right choice, whether you like it or not." Deceit muttered.

"Can I go first? You promised. Ten minutes." The other person whined. Deceit merely just walked out of the room. They jumped up and down in joy.

"Now, let's start, hm? I'm tired of waiting." Logan couldn't do anything. He was helpless for once in his life. They held up a blunt knife.

"I'm going to push this knife so far into your stomach that you can feel it touch your spine. But when it comes to that, you'll already be begging my to end your life. Let me give you a little demo." Logan gasped, trying once more to escape from his mental bonds.

"Aww, I know that you're scared, but it'll be over in a blink of an eye. Well, if it doesn't, at least until your tears dry up." They started tracing the blade across Logan's facial features, determining where to carve out first. Logan felt a slice across his left cheekbone. He felt the skin open up and the blood flowing out little by little. He tried to convince himself it didn't hurt but it was no use. They know what he was thinking.

Logan tried to gather the strength to use his powers and push him away. He could feel the electricity start to gather behind his prosthetic, all Logan had to do was release the energy and he would be free-

"Stop." The man said, his voice calm, making Logan want to listen to him, to obey-

"Take it out. I don't want you using you powers, Logan." The man undid one of the bindings that held Logan's hand behind his back. Logan's hand began to creep toward his face, taking the prosthetic Logan had relied so heavily on for years out of his head. He dug his fingers into his eye socket and pulled it out carefully. His left vision went black. He was left with one blurry eye. Logan couldn't stop himself from handing it to the psychopath standing over him.

"Good. Now put you hand behind your back." Logan had no choice but to obey, even when Logan knew what he was doing. Logan tried to stop his hand from moving back behind the chair.

"Who- who are you-? What did you do to me? Why are you doing this?" Logan asked weakly.

"Oh my goodness. I haven't properly introduced myself! I'm Remus Hadeon, one of the last faces you'll ever see in your short life." Remus exclaimed. Logan panicked. He was going to die here, he was sure of it. Without warning, Remus powerfully thrust the knife in Logan's stomach. He sharply inhaled and tried to calm down once again.

"Now, since I have to keep you alive, I'll just give you the knife. Think of it like a present for being so durable." Remus cackled. Logan felt himself drift off.

"Woah, woah, stay with me for a little bit longer." Remus said, waving his hand in front of Logan's face. He tried to open his eye, but he couldn't open them for very long, his eyelids were too heavy to keep open. Just a little rest, please. Let me take a break, Logan silently pleaded.

He woke up when he heard the door open, his eyes slowly open ending as Logan adjusted to the glaring white lights.

"Aww, already?" Remus pouted.

"Yes, It's been ten minutes." Deceit said. Logan heard feet stomping and a door slamming. Deceit exhaled and kept his composure.

"Hello, Logan. Did Remus give you too much trouble?" Deceit asked in a calm tone. Logan didn't answer yet again.

"Oh, It's so pleasing to see you so...weak. I have you immobilized in a chair, defenseless." Deceit smirked. Logan felt anger build up in his body, but he knew that if he stepped out of line, he could be in even more trouble than he is now. Deceit held up an all too familiar scalpel, reflecting the light from above.

"Ah, memories. Logan, does this blade look familiar to you?" Deceit asked innocently. Logan wanted nothing more than to slap the smirk off of Deceit's face.

"I bet it does. It was satisfying to see him bleed all over that chair. He screamed so loud. He thought that he would never see you again, Logan. It was very heartbreaking. But of course, let's not dwell on the past, eh?" Deceit shrugged. Logan felt a pit of fear forming. He didn't want to know what kind of sick ideas were forming in Deceit's head.

"If only your superfriends would care enough to help you. Especially Patton. You two have been getting very close recently." Deceit snickered.

"How do you even know that?!" Logan shouted.

"Do you think that they will help you after you were so rude to them? What did I tell you Logan? 'They will not listen to you.' And what did you do? You got mad when they didn't listen. I tried to warn you Logan. You just didn't listen to me. You brought this upon yourself." Deceit said. Logan sighed. Deceit did have a solid argument. He regret yelling at them. It would only make sense if they didn't care where he was.

"I'm sorry, Patton." Logan whispered.

"You ripped his heart out and threw it onto the ground."

"I'm sorry."

"You should be." Logan looked up and saw Patton. He knew it was Deceit, but he knew that that was what Patton would say.

"I deserve this." Logan whispered. Deceit, still disguised as Patton, picked up the scalpel that stabbed Patton. Logan didn't react. He just hung his head in guilt, the tears falling onto his pants.

If only he could have told Patton about his feelings.

If only he would be alive to tell him that he was sorry and he didn't mean anything he said.

Deceit came closer with the blade. Logan shut his eyes tightly, thinking what could very well be his last thoughts.

If only I could just hold Patton one last time.

If only I could have kissed him just once...

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