Twenty Five

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TW: minor swearing

After his conversation with Patton, Logan sat on his bed with a smile on his face. He was proud of himself; it was the longest conversation he'd had with Patton without stuttering or messing up his words. He got to know Patton more and shared stories with him. But- did Patton really only think of him as a friend? Was that all he was: just a friend?

He sighed and forgot about his problems. The only thing on his mind was the conversation.

"Let me guess, Patton asked you out." A voice said. Logan turned around, blushing.

"N-no. We had a nice chat and got to know each other more." Logan said to Roman.

"Well, if he won't ask you out, you should ask him. Simple." Roman responded.

"It's not that easy, Roman." Logan sighed.

"Of course it is. In fact, Virgil and I are going on a date tomorrow." Roman beamed.

"Well, not that easy for me. I'm not good when it comes to emotions and how I feel," Logan added.

"That's why I'm here. To help you land a date with Patton." Roman said.

"No, no, no. You are not going to help me. I don't trust you." Logan answered.

"Awwww come on! I've always wanted to be a wingman!" Roman whined.

"No. If I'm going to have a date with Patton, which I won't, I'm doing it myself." Logan responded.

"Are you sure?" Roman questioned Logan. "Can I at least help you write a confession letter?"

"No, Roman!" Logan shouted. "Just let it be, please."

"But-" Roman protested.

"No, Roman. He doesn't like me like that, okay?" Logan cried, his good mood gone.

Roman fell silent for a moment. "Yes, he does."

"But how do you know that?" Logan asked doubtfully.

"Because I've seen the way he looks at you when you're not looking. I talked to him, and he thinks the same thing you do; you both think the other isn't madly and totally head-over-heels in love with the other. And it is so cute how you look at each other nervously, like you don't know what to say, but at the same time you know exactly what to tell each other. But please, just ask him out already" Roman finished his speech with a confident smile. "So please, it literally physically pains me to have to watch you stutter every time you try and talk to Patton, so just ask him out already."

Logan didn't know what to say- was he really that obvious? Did Patton really like him? Roman had to be joking with him- Patton wouldn't like him: Logan was too nerdy, too involved in work, not good with emotions- there were so many reasons why he doubted Roman.

"I know what you're thinking, and yes, Logan. Stop worrying so much!"

"Okay, okay." Logan relented. "I'm going to work on some more research," he excused himself from talking anymore about Patton and instead working on what he was good at: research.

Roman opened his mouth to protest, but Logan gave him a look and Roman didn't say anything. He left Logan's lab, leaving Logan alone with his thoughts again. He stared at the notebook and pen on his desk for a very long time.

Logan made his way to the lab Thomas had set up for him what seemed to be forever ago and opened the laptop he kept his research on. He had so much on Roman's powers, as they were the easiest to understand- he manipulated the heat until a spark was created, and then was able to manipulate the created flame. The warmer the temperature, the easier it was for him to create a spark. Logan didn't have quite enough information to create a complete graph of temperature-to-ease ratio, but there was so much more information now than there had been a month ago. He reread the document in hopes of finding some connection between something.

Logan's own powers were much more difficult to understand- of course he had done research as soon as he discovered what he could do, but there still wasn't nearly enough information for Logan to be satisfied. He knew the telekinesis came from his prosthetic eye and come out in the form of electromagnetic pulses, but why did he have this power? How? There were still so many questions that Logan needed answered.

Virgil had been unwilling at first to share his powers, but Logan had managed to coax a demonstration out of him, exploding glasses and breaking wood by simply pointing at the object Virgil wanted to detonate. Well, it wasn't really detonation per se, as there were no actual explosions involved. Virgil was actually able to tap into the frequencies an object responds to, and make the said object forcefully break apart. He had found that certain frequencies were easier to 'tap into' as Virgil put it.

Patton's ability was the most difficult to understand, however. Manipulating energy was nothing new- humans manipulate energy, like electricity, all the time. Hell, the Large Hadron Collider collides particles together to make microscopic black holes, all using manipulated energy! A tiny, momentary pinprick in the space-time continuum was fascinating enough, but what Patton could do was completely unheard of; being able to create portals or shields by condensing energy from the air around him into a tangible thing he could interact with! The only thing Logan had learned about Patton's ability was that an abundance of magnetic energy prevented shields or portals from forming. Other than that, Logan was completely clueless when it came to the ability Patton possessed.

There was nothing that bothered Logan more than unanswered questions; and that was why Logan was so determined to find answers. Logan sighed to himself, knowing he probably wouldn't be able to get someone to do experiments with him, so Logan decided there was no better test subject than himself. 

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