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Chicago, Illinois 

"Excuse me, Mr. Sanders?" Logan asked the head of S.T.A.R.

"Please, call me Thomas. What do you need, Logan?" He replied.

"Well, I was wondering if I could conduct experiments- you know, since you have all of this amazing state of the art technology. Run tests on how our powers work, why we can do what we can. I'd only need a space and some equipment." Logan said. "And if the others are willing, of course."

Logan fidgeted with his hands while he waited for an answer.

"That actually sounds like a good idea. I'll see what I can do for you. Just tell me everything you find out, okay?"

"Thank you, Thomas." Logan said excitedly.

He was finally going to do what he did best- experiment and discover. If the only condition was that he had to share his findings- well, he was going to do that anyways! It was an even better answer than he expected; he would get a space just for him to run tests! The only thing he would need was the others, and several control subjects.

After the lab had been set up, Logan looked as if he would explode. Thomas has set him up everything he needed for in-depth study: some computers, scales, ammeters, cos phi meters, distortion meters, and every other -meters or -omneters Logan could possibly need.

Virgil took notice of this and said, "Logan, you need to chill."

"Sorry, it's just that I'm really... overwhelmed with excitement! Just imagine what I could find out about our powers with all of this!" Logan said, while gesturing to all of the technology.

"Uh, yeah..." Virgil mumbled.

"I just need you guys to demonstrate how your powers work and help me with some other stuff."

"I'm not going to be your guinea pig." Virgil retorted.

Logan was a bit disappointed but he respected Virgil's privacy.

"That's fine. Can you asked the others if they want to help me?" Logan asked.

"'Kay." Virgil sighed. Logan, content with Virgil's response, went back to working.

"Logan? Virgil said that you wanted me here." Patton said.

"Oh yes, I want to know how all of our powers work and I need some people to help me." Logan smiled, or attempted to.

"So what do I do?"

"Okay, so we'll go through a series of tests. First, I just want to know- do you know everything your powers can do? I read you file, and it said you have the ability to manipulate energy. So how does that work?"

"Well, I- I'm not really sure. I'm not nearly as smart as you, but I think basically I can kinda 'shape' the energy, if that makes sense. I can make it 'do' stuff." Patton replied.

Logan opened a laptop and started typing what Patton had said. "Can you demonstrate?"

Patton took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Nothing happened for a moment, then the lights began to dimly flicker off and on, and Logan saw blue light surround Patton's hand; he bounced the light back and forth between his hands. Logan watched in awe, no words came out of his mouth. "So that's pretty much it." Patton said. "I can also make portals using energy. It's hard to do and it takes a lot of energy to do."

Logan typed more information into his notes.

"Alright. Now I'd like to measure your heart rate."

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