Twenty One

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Roman knew Virgil was right, not that he'd ever admit it to him. Maybe he was kind of forcing Logan and Patton together. 'But it's clear that they like each other!' he argued with himself.

If anything, he was doing everyone a favor by trying to help them get together and cut down on the unnecessary nervousness on their parts.

'Everyone one wants them to get together anyway,' he thought to himself. 'Maybe if I became both of their wingman? No, I probably won't be able to contain their secrets.' Roman thought.

'But wait- maybe I could enlist Virgil! Then we'll be wingmanning for someone who could be my wingman! Complicated wingman stuff, but it'll work!' Roman decided. He high-fived himself,the loud clap interrupting the silence in the cafeteria. Virgil looked at him weirdly.

"Virgil, my friend. My extraordinary, emo acquaintance. My amazing-"

"What are you trying to sweet-talk me into?" Virgil sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I was thinking-" Roman began.

"You can think? You learn something new everyday." Virgil said.

"I should have seen that coming," Roman laughed. He continued, "well, I was thinking about the relationship between Logan and Patton and how we can fix it." Roman squealed.

"I already said this before, and I'll say it again. We can't force them together." Virgil sighed.

"No, we can be their wingman!" Roman exclaimed.

"Explain." Virgil said.

"So, you're going to wingman one of them, and I'll be nice and let you choose. So you know how wingmaning works, right?" Roman asked.

"Kind of. Isn't that when you help set people up with each other?"

"Great! You can help me, then!" Roman clapped. "How about you help Logan?"

"Wait, I thought you said I could choose-?"

"Yeah, but I knew you'd pick Logan." Roman responded.

Virgil sighed. "True. So, if I help you, you'll shut up about this?"

"Does this mean you'll help?"

Virgil nodded.

"Yes!" Roman shouted. He was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"So when do we start?" Virgil asked.

"Oh, uh... now?"

"Well, I wouldn't want to bother Patton in the hospital."

"Fine, Hot Topic. We'll start as soon as Patton is done healing."

"Good idea. I don't think Patton would be in the mood for romance when he can barely move." Roman relented.

Roman was about to make an overly-detailed plan with Virgil when Logan walked into the cafeteria.

"Oh! Logan, how was your morning?" Roman asked.

"Good, why?" Logan said, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing." Roman smiled. He nudged Virgil and smiled wider. Virgil just rolled his eyes in response.

"Well, how was your morning Roman?" Logan asked, trying to change the subject.

"Could be better. A bit boring for my taste." Roman said. "Say, how is your relationship wi-ow!" Virgil elbowed Roman in the ribs. He widened his eyes as if to say, 'Way too obvious.' Logan looked a bit confused.

"What he's trying to say is, how's Patton doing? Is he alright?"

"The doctors said he was healing, but he lost a lot of blood. I stayed with him until he fell asleep."

"Oh, at least he's okay right Roman?" Virgil said through gritted teeth. Roman was trying to contain his excitement. He just nodded frantically.

"Yes. That's right. He's okay. That's really good news for yo- I mean, us." Roman responded. Logan didn't seem to notice Roman's slip up.

"Indeed. I hope he heals quickly. Deceit is a bigger problem than we initially thought he was, and it seems as if he has an accomplice." Logan stated. "Are there any ideas who could it be?" He asked.

"Well, couldn't there be a ton of people with superpowers? I think we should try to make a list of all known people with powers, and then try to narrow it down." Virgil spoke up.

"That does seem quite difficult, but perhaps it will pay off. You should present the idea to Thomas or Valerie." Logan replied.

"Yeah, but could you come with me when I do it? I don't like presenting stuff by myself."

"Of course. Do you want to go now? I'm sure we'll be able to find them."

"Yeah. Sure."

Logan and Virgil stood up, and Roman tried to motion to Virgil that he should talk to Logan about relationships, but Virgil squinted in confusion. He gave up and just followed them out. But how did Virgil not know what he was saying!? Oh well, Virgil might be an emo idiot, but he was a cute emo idiot!

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