Twenty Two

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Logan knew that Virgil had a very good point- make a list of all the known empowered individuals, and narrow down the list until they had a few good suspects.

But before they did that, Logan had to see Deceit being questioned. He had decided to ask him who he was working with. It was a long shot, but he decided it wouldn't hurt to try. He watched as Deceit was giving out answers to Valerie so casually. Logan knew most of them were lies. But what if? he thought. He had decided that he was going to speak to Deceit.

"May I question him? I've got a few things to ask him." Logan said. Valerie nodded.

"I wanted to get some lunch, anyways. Just be careful." She said.

"Ah, Logan, how is Patton? I hope he's doing well." Deceit said after Valerie left. Logan pretended that comment didn't sting. He cleared his throat and befan asking questions.

"How did you get information about us?"

"Like I said, I pulled some strings."

"When you said 'we', who were you referring to? Are you working with someone else?"

"I won't disclose that information."

"Why did you destroy those buildings?"

"For Thomas to come out and play. Took a while, but it was worth it."

Logan thought that that statement was a bit out of place.

Logan knew that Deceit couldn't get out of the cell block he was in, but the invisible walls, although Logan knew it was electrified, didn't calm him. The only comfort to Logan was the multiple security cameras trained on Deceit.

Then, he realized what Deceit was talking about.

"You wanted to get captured." He said, in shock.

"Did you really think that capturing me would be that easy?" Deceit said, amused by Logan's reaction.

"You were destroying those buildings were just to get attention."

"Very good." Deceit smiled. Logan turned to the exit. He was going to warn Thomas. They couldn't let Deceit carry out his plan, whatever it was.

"If you were going to tell the others, would they believe you?" Deceit said. Logan stopped and turned around. Would the others believe him? Deceit was a liar, but that didn't mean that he never told the truth. But he had to at least try to tell them. He knew that Patton might not want to believe him because of what happened. He exited the room and went to find Thomas. He bumped into Roman and Virgil while running.

"Guys, Deceit is planning to escape! He set us up!" Logan said, breathless.

"Wait, wait, wait. But there is no way that he would be able to escape. He's monitored 24/7." Roman said. Virgil nodded.

"Have you noticed how easy it was to catch him?" Logan said.

"Well, we did catch him off guard." Virgil responded.

"And he is working with someone making it easier to escape. We don't know what their abilities are or what kind of person they are!" Logan shouted.

"No way. Why would anyone want to be captured, especially if you knew that you were going to be questioned? Besides, Deceit is a liar." Roman argued.

"Well, true. But just in case, shouldn't Thomas add, like, extra security? You know, so he doesn't escape?" Virgil said.

"Yes, Virgil. Do you know where Thomas is? We should notify him." Logan replied. Virgil nodded and they all walked to the cafeteria.

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