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A/N- PsychedelicShips: please know that despite all this we are still Deceit stans. Also, I didn't write any of the angst.

@ms.horrorshow : that was all me. Feel free to hate on me but know this: I have the power to make more angst. Even worse ones, in fact *evil grin*

TW: Blood, minor swearing, minor innuendos

Logan stopped in front of a large, bolted door. He motioned the others to be extremely quiet, trying to detect sounds from the other side of the door. He heard Patton screaming, begging Deceit to stop. He tried to control his anger but hearing Patton desperate screams make it hard for him. He felt a hand grip his shoulder. Thomas looked at him and shook his head as if it say 'not right now'.

Logan nodded and took deep breaths. Then, the other side of the door was suddenly dead silent. Everyone nodded to each other, remembering the plan they had created moments ago. Virgil put one hand on the door and closed his eyes. The door completely shattered, and they saw what was on the other side. Deceit saw them, looking surprised. Logan paralyzed Deceit so he wouldn't be able to escape from them. Deceit, clearly not expecting that, made spiders appear on the ground.

"That won't work on me anymore!" Thomas yelled. The spiders immediately disappeared, and Deciet's fist connected with Thomas's jaw, cutting his lip and dripping blood down his chin.

Logan saw Patton and ran up to his unconscious body. He saw the gaping wound on Patton's chest and gasped as his hands were stained with his blood.

"Guys, I don't think we have much time for Patton! We need to get him to the base right now!" Logan shouted. He shook Patton, trying to get him to wake up, but to no avail. He picked up Patton and carried him in his arms, Patton's blood spilling onto Logan's shirt.

"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Virgil shouted.

"Well, we kind of need a portal but considering our only portal maker is drowning in his own blood, we need to find the chopper ourselves." Roman said back

"Do you remember where it is?" Logan desperately asked Valerie.

"Yes, but we're going to need to get there quickly. It's not a stab wound, but it'll need stitches." Valerie answered.

They all ran out of the building, Patton being carried bridal-style by Logan, and they spotted the helicopter.

Virgil swore. "It's on the roof. Why the hell did we think it was a good idea to park it on the roof?!"

"Logan, can you do your mind-moving thing and like, lift me up to the roof? I can fly it down and get you." Thomas suggested.

"Yes, that can be done. Are you ready?" Logan answered.

"Yeah. I'm ready."

"Good. You may want to close your eyes." Logan responded. He lifted Thomas up to the roof. Logan saw the helicopter flying down. They all got in quickly. Deceit was put in handcuffs and still blindfolded.

"Handcuffs? That's kinky." Deceit laughed.

"Stop talking." Virgil said, annoyed.

The group buckled themselves in the seats, Logan holding Patton, and Roman and Virgil sitting beside Deceit to make sure he didn't escape.

"Patton's losing a lot of blood! Do you think we can make it in time?" Logan shouted. Patton had been laid down across three seats, with his head in Logan's lap, his glasses slightly cracked.

"How long did it take you to get here?" Deceit responded.

"Shut up, Jack the Fibber." Roman said, putting one hand on Deceit's mouth.

"About ten minutes?" Logan hesitated, the fear settling in.

"Well, we better get going then." Valerie said.

When they got back to the base, Patton was immediately put on a stretcher and carried away by agents in white coats. An agent with curly hair came up to Thomas, wanting to help him with his split lip, but Thomas waved her away, insisting he was fine.

Deceit was taken away by other agents. Logan saw Deceit turn to him and give him a smirk.

"I'm sure Patton will be okay," Thomas said to Logan. Logan just nodded, hoping it was true.

"I know. It's just that I'm afraid for him. I mean, people only have a limited amount of blood. About five liters of it, and Patton looks like he's lost a lot."

"I don't want to know how you know that, but I'm sure he'll be fine." Thomas replied.

Roman smirked. "Worried for Patton, huh?" Logan glared at him.

"Just stop. Wouldn't you be worried about a friend that could potentially die?!" Logan shouted at Roman.

"Well, I think you both like each other but you're too scared. You keep making excuses like 'we barely know each other'. You literally spent hours on a plane talking to each other, laughing at each other's stories." Virgil said. Logan just sighed. He couldn't argue with that statement. He just stormed off, leaving Roman and Virgil with Thomas. Logan was so worried for Patton. Sure, the cuts on his face and his arms were minor but he heard desperate screams from Patton.

Not to mention that stab wound on his shoulder. He wondered what made Patton scream so much. Logan made a mental note to ask either Patton or Deceit about what happened. He went up to his room on the top floor, fatigued from jet lag and the fight. The day seemed to have dragged on and it was only six in the evening. Just a nap, he thought to himself. He flopped onto the bed and immediately fell asleep, too exhausted to even change from his bloodstained clothes.

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