Twenty Seven

149 16 7

TW: minor swearing, blood, death,

Deceit sat in his cell and smiled. It was almost time.

The guard outside his cell turned around to face Deceit, something she had never done before. Deceit didn't know much about her, other than the fact that he knew nobody's eyes were such a bright green.

"Ah, Agent Quill. How nice to finally see you." Deceit smiled. He knew it wasn't her, not really. But it would be fun to play with Thomas. Let him think one of his agents had defected, let him think that she had let him out.

Quill typed on the keypad and scanned her finger. The cell door slid open with an almost inaudible hiss, and Deceit grinned. Everything was going according to plan.

Agent Quill noiselessly walked into the cell, arms stiffly by her side, and traded places with the snake-faced man. Good, let it confuse Thomas even further, Deceit chuckled to himself. Thomas and his team of super-friends would have a field day with the mess Deceit was about to leave.

"Hello, Dee. Long time, no see, am I right?" A voice called out to Deceit.

"Long time, no see indeed. I've missed you. Did you bring my gloves?" Deceit asked. "I have to say that I'm surprised you didn't come in with explosives."

"Never fear, we can go out in style. It's all rigged up, of course."

"You never fail to surprise me, dear. Just don't blow up anything; we need to save it for the next step."

"Yeah, yeah. Well, here's another surprise for you: women's deodorant doesn't taste very good."

"What the hell!? I thought we talked about this!"

The other man just shrugged, amused.

"Sometimes I wonder how I put up with you."

The other man just laughed, an eerie noise in the echoing hallways lined with cells.

"Are you ready to get out of here? I know I'm ready to blow this place!" The second man grinned in the dim light of the hall, the light bulbs flickering on and off, casting long shadows on the doors to empty cells.

"It's this way," Deceit pointed to the stairs, as the other man was walking in the wrong direction.

"I was just testing you to make sure you knew the way."

"Sure," Deceit said, doubtfully.

"I was!"

"Right, whatever. Let's go," Deceit shook his head but smiled.

They silently crept up the stairs, Deceit using his powers to make them invisible to the few agents they saw roaming the halls. They were idiots, all of them. Nobody believed Logan when he said he would escape, but now he has. And it was their fault for not believing Logan.

Deceit thought it was all too easy to infiltrate and escape from a secure government facility, but it was bad for Thomas and good for him.

Deceit almost thought they would be able to just walk out of the building with no problems- but no, that would have been too easy.

An alarm shrieked through the quiet halls, the ear-splitting noise echoing off the walls.

"Oops," Deceit's accomplice smiled. "Can I blow it up now?" He asked hopefully.

"Just stay calm, please. I mean, I know that's a hard task for you, but don't detonate anything just yet," Deceit whispered. "Now be quiet, we can't afford any more slip ups."

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