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TW: Blood, Gore, Graphic Imagery, Mentions of Death, Bloody horror

He tried everything. Tried to escape the awful hell Remus and Deceit put him in. Time blurred together and Logan didn't care. He even tried to make Remus take his life. Logan promised himself that he would never do that again. He had decided that if he couldn't escape, he would still keep fighting to the end. He wouldn't tell Remus and Deceit anything about his teammates and STAR, even if his friends don't save him. He inspected the room once again and he looked at the walls stained with his blood. Logan decided that he would not break under Deceit or join him for that matter. He would never join those murderers. He would rather die slowly and painfully than help them. They tortured Patton! Oh, Patton. How much he missed him.

He didn't even admit his feelings to him and he was going to die! I could just ask Deceit to tell Patton that I love him. Even if he isn't me, at least he could look like me and tell Patton that I love him. He heard whispering coming from outside the door. Logan watched Deceit and Remus through a small window on the door. Deceit spoke in a hushed whisper.

"I got caught but not without getting the information I need first." He heard Deceit say.

"You got info on them? Do you know what they're planning?" Remus whispered.

"Well, now they're planning on saving Logan." Deceit said. Did Logan hear that right? No, they couldn't possibly care about him anymore- not after what he said and did.

"Did you hear that, pretty boy? Your Prince Charming wants to come to rescue you! Isn't that just cute! I'm swooning already!" Logan flinched as Remus banged his hand against the heavy metal door with a psychotic smile on his face. He cackled at Logan's reaction. No, no! Patton shouldn't ever come to find him- it was too dangerous. Too dangerous for Patton. Too dangerous for Logan if they came too close to finding him. Deceit surely had a plan if that happened, and Logan didn't particularly want to find out what would happen to him in that plan.

"You're right, lover boy! We sure do have a plan! Let's just say that it's not gonna end well for your knight in shining armor and your crew." Remus laughed. "I can't wait for your little boyfriend to see what we did to you! You look great for your first date!"

Deceit continued explaining. "If they want to find him, they can come to get him. We have a bargaining chip."

"Wait, we do? I mean, of course we do!" Remus replied.

"Yes," Deceit must have rolled his eyes at Remus. "our bargaining chip is Logan himself."

"Awwww, I'm going to miss torturing him daily." Remus said. "I had some ideas with a knife and his pretty lips."

"They'll stop you!" Logan shouted. "They know your tricks, Deceit! They know how your powers work! And you're nothing without my knowledge of how their powers work, remember?!" Remus opened the door to Logan's dungeon and roughly grabbed his chin. He tilted it up, forcing Logan to look at him.

"Then, we'll just have to torture you harder, right? When they come and rescue you Romeo, I'm going to slaughter your hero and you're gonna watch as I drag a knife across his throat. You're gonna watch as he bleeds all over the floor." Remus described.

"I won't let you!" Logan retorted. Deceit snarled behind Remus.

"You know, I'm starting to take a liking in you Logan. You're so confident and loyal. It's so adorable. Maybe I might keep you after I brutally gut your friends. Of course, if Deceit lets me." Remus looked up at Deceit for confirmation. Deceit nodded. "We're gonna have so much fun together!" Logan widened his eyes and started to panic. "Smile, pretty boy, before I permanently make you." Remus sung. Logan sighed and smiled. "There we go! You look so handsome." He finally let go of Logan's jaw and stood up.

"We'll make you talk before they come, Logan." Deceit said. He and Remus disintegrated before his very eyes. The room started to warp and close in on Logan, the metal bending and scraping against each other. He shut his eyes and covered his ears, trying to convince himself that it wasn't real. Everything became silent. Logan opened his eyes to darkness. There was just enough light to see the outlines of objects. Logan tried his best to prop himself up but failed. He touched a strange liquid and immediately recoiled his hand. The liquid kept coming and gathered around at his feet. A foul stench filled the air. He tried his best to not gag but after what he saw, he couldn't. Logan saw outlines of bodies that were horribly disfigured. The limbs were twisted in unnatural positions and what Logan presumed were ribs were poking out from the skin.

"It's not real, It's not real!" Logan howled, covering his eyes. He was disgusted. Is this what Deceit and Remus planned to do to them?

"Logan, you did this." He heard a whisper. He put his hands over his ears in an attempt to get out of the living nightmare.

"Why didn't you tell them?!" Another body shouted. "If you told them, none of this would have happened!" Logan tried to scream, but all that came out was a strangled cry.

"Stop! What kind of sick joke is this?" Logan screamed. The voices stopped. Logan hesitated to open his eyes. He opened one eye cautiously. He was back in the small, cold, cramped room.

"Logan, it was just a preview of the future. You might have wanted to get a good look. Get ready for it."

"Stop it! This will never happen. You will never win. Never. I'm going to make sure of that. You're just twisted villains, and the villains never win."

"Well, I think it's time to rewrite the story, don't you think?" Deceit replied with a grin before Logan blacked out again. 

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