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Vicky West

As I got ready, for another working day, I knew I'd be talking with Kent after my shift. He would be working the entire day, needing to learn the in's and out's before becoming assistant-manager at the café. Besides meeting with Kent, more pressing matters cluttered my mind - like what am I gonna wear in New York? Just the thought of leaving tomorrow morning with Harry got me excited. I wanted to know how it felt to be somewhere magical, celebrating Christmas with the one you love. The all-consuming power of being in love with Harry weighed heavily on my mind - I had to talk with my parents about this, about him.

I had four hours until I was required to be at the café to work for Veronica. I was absolutely ecstatic that Clarity was my colleague for the day. I didn't want my interrogation of Kent to interfere with work, so it was better left until after my shift.

I had no idea what Kent wanted to tell me, I was absolutely dumbstruck on what Harry could be hiding from me, but his behaviour toward me had definitely changed since I started seeing Harry. He wasn't as carefree and innocent as I had once believed; his new behaviour reminded me of that of William's. His word's yesterday about 'the boss getting everything' made me nervous, it was a clear inference that he held power over me now. Kent had once been my closest companion, my best friend, it frankly pissed me off that he was willing to destroy that because I was with Harry. Was Kent jealous?

Maybe I was overthinking it, but I trusted that whatever Kent had to say to me was for my own benefit; I had to speak to him. Harry's stand-offish behaviour last night had me less-than-satisfied that he was telling the truth, something just didn't feel right. Harry insisted that he was being completely honest with me, but his defensive attitude said otherwise. If there was nothing to hide, why would he be angry when I asked? Sure Kent was an asshole in Harry's eyes, but why would Harry be worried about what Kent had to say? It was all too confusing.

I made it a priority to push the unresolved matter of Harry's honesty to the side, and call my parents. I spoke to my dad last week about their plan's for Christmas and New Year's Eve; he said that my entire family would be celebrating the New Year together. He asked me of my plans, but I just brushed it off, not really committing to anything. I didn't know how to tell my parents about Harry - my boss, who I am currently fucking, and in love with, not necessarily in that order.

''Hi mom, it's Vicky.'' I spoke into the receiver. I was sitting on the kitchen counter keeping myself entertained. A mug of vanilla caramel tea was stationed between my crossed legs, I twirled the spoon in the cup in an attempt to keep my nervousness at bay.

''Vicky! Darling! What a pleasure you're calling at this moment.'' My mother replied. Her voice made me smile instantly. My mother always made me happy, and I was so desperate to see her; unfortunately my lack of funds kept me from flying out to visit her.

''I just wanted to tell you something,'' I blurted out. I wanted to do this quick - like ripping off a band-aid.

''Go on,'' She instructed me. I could hear my mother cough a few times before silence once again flooded the line.

''Well, I'm leaving Los Angeles tomorrow morning for New York City.'' I announced. I bit on my nails while I waited for her response. My mother's unpredictability had me nearly shitting my pants when it came to moments like this; I never really knew what to expect from her.

''New York City?! Where did that absurd idea come from? Vicky, you're insane. You can barely afford your rent, and food, how the hell do you expect to pay for this?'' She panicked through the phone. I sighed with the inevitability of telling her about Harry, worried about how she might take the news if she was already pissed off at me.

Lush Seduction (Moulin Rouge) | Harry Styles AU | BOOK 1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now