Chapter 26

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"Love?" James laughed at the question. "Why are you worried about love, little flower?"

Rose huffed, putting a hand to her chest, her cheeks puffing out, "Daddy-" She paused for emphasis, releasing her breath with her next words, "I'm in love!"

Rose dramatically fell back into her chair as her father's smile dropped. "Who? What's his name? When'd this happen? You know boys?"

"James, stop harassing her!" Briar Percy gently hit her husband on the head with a rolled up newspaper, "Now, who're you talking about baby girl?"

"His name is Dimitri!" The little girl gushed as her parents laughed.

"The little white boy from that movie?" The slight amusement was evident in her mothers tone. Rose nodded vigorously, "I know he married Anastasia in the end but they were just acting!"

Laughter filled her ears as her face turned red. Rose huffed, turning away from her parents.

"You want to know what love is?" Her mother teased the young girl who didn't respond. She continued speaking, "Love is your father putting up with my horrible singing voice first thing in the morning."

James chimed in, "Love is us watching those horrible Barbie movies with you."

Briar chuckled, "Love is your dad thinking of your favorite snacks while he's shopping."

Rose rolled her eyes, "That's not love. You do those things because-" She paused, struggling to find the right words as her mother smiled.

"Because we love each other. Baby girl, love is action. Someone can say they love you all they want, but what truly matters is their actions and intentions. That's how you know you're truly loved."


He put his hands on me.

Rose's mind whirled as she sat down in front of the vanity. The women around her struggled to get her curly mane under control while she stared at the spot Klaus' hand grabbed in the mirror.

She tilted her head feeling for a slight soreness, looking to see if the bruise he left was still visible under all her makeup. Lifting her gaze from her neck, she stared at her eyes. They had already applied makeup to her for the 3rd time since she'd been crying.

Her eyes were still partially red, but the puffiness was slowly vanishing. She inhaled sharply, squaring her shoulders.

She was sad, upset, lost, and hurting. But she wouldn't show it. She was strong. And Klaus was going to see that no matter what, she would always be.

The door opened, an older woman coming in. "Herrin, oh just look at you!" She gushed as she sent the other women out of the room.

"You are?" Her voice came out coarse. She hadn't spoken since she yelled at Klaus earlier. Rose cleared her throat while the woman smiled.

"My name is Eva. I run the household affairs here." Her eyes dropped down to Rose's neck but she turned away.

"Nice to meet you." She mumbled.

"No, it's not." Eva placed a warm hand on her shoulder. She leaned in, the scent of peppermint washing over the younger girl. "I know you don't want to be here."

Rose scoffed, "Why mention it if you can't do anything for me?"

She stayed silent. Rose looked over at Eva, pausing as she took note of a giant grin on her face.

"Who said I couldn't? I don't serve the Young Master." Eva spoke quietly as Rose leaned forward.

Her heart raced, could she really trust this woman? You'd think she'd have learned to not be so trusting but she couldn't help herself. Anything to get out of here, she'd do anything.

"Who do you serve then?"

"The lady of this estate, and she wants to meet you."


Klaus had an issue.

The woman that made his stomach churn with butterflies was with him, but she wasn't with him. Since she'd been here,  he would catch Rose looking ruefully outside.

Seeing her cast glances at open doors, wistfully looking on as if she was trapped in her thoughts, thinking of him.

Luciano was still looking for Rose and causing a mess every place he went. It was like toddler throwing a tantrum. The shit got annoying very fast.

He was tired of being patient, tired of waiting for her to love him, and tired in general. If Rose wanted him to be the villain so badly, he would be. He waited all this time for her to be here with him, Klaus had all the time in the world for her to love him.

Adjusting his tie, the man stood. He needed to figure out what to do with Luciano. Killing him wasn't enough, it didn't make up for his many sins, so maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. Make Luciano pay, while knocking the rebellion out of Rose.

Then he could be happy.


Klaus didn't come to get me from the room.

Instead, Elias collected me from the room, placing me into a black van. I stared out the window, watching as the tall buildings of a nearby city faded further and further from view. My stomach dropped as a realization that we were going to an even more obscure place hit.

At some point I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew, I was being led to a quaint, homely little restaurant. Walking inside, it wasn't anything special. Nothing extravagant or expensive, but it was comfortable and warm.

Unlike Klaus who sat facing me. His eyes were on me the moment I entered, watching with an aggressive hunger.

We both sat in silence for a while before I broke it. "Where are we?"

"It's a place my mother used to work as a waitress." He spoke nonchalantly, eyes reading through the menu before resting back on me.

A sudden chill went down my spine as goosebumps appeared on my skin. "Do. . . you think you could tell me more about her?"

A blink, then another one. A slight lift of his lips before he went back to his stoic look. "She was kind, beautiful, smiling every place she went." There was a pause. Another slight glance before he continued.

"She had this ability to make everything feel better, to help people. Like you." He turned back to the menu, not looking at me as I sat in silence.

I licked my lips, "Can I ask you something?"

There was no response, I took it as a yes.

"Do you have feelings for me or am I just a stand in for your mother?"

He paused, physically stopped what he was doing and thought. He was silent for so long I thought he was just ignoring the question when he finally spoke, "I don't know."

I wasn't surprised at his answer, but still, it wasn't what I wanted to hear. I nodded, playing with the napkin on the table as I decided to ask another question. "And if she was alive, would you let me go?"

I waited for an answer, a strong denial, maybe a firm yes. But like a balloon getting popped, I instantly deflated at his vague words.

"I don't know."


A/N: It's not the best, but it's somethin'. I feel very stuck in how I want this to proceed, and how I want this to end.

I'm trying to figure it out but thanks for reading!

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