a love letter to me

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I want someone to love me
Every inch of me
From the odd cowlick crop circles at the nape of my neck
To the way I saunter, each step plotted with purpose
I want someone to love my lopsided smile and plump nose
The dark lines etched underneath my eyes
The smile lines I inherited from my mother
How underneath all my clothes and layers is a fragile figure
The rhythm and sway of my arms
The width of my hips
The delicate certainty I employ with my fingertips
The scent of Old Spice masking any effort
Every action I take to appear effortless, calculated with an infinite effort
The darting of my tongue when I'm anxious
The scrunching and bunching of my nose when thoughts turn sour
My eyelashes brushing the lenses of my glasses
The swoop and curl of my hair
The fullness of my brows
The dark mischief I carry upon my shoulders
The mess of scruff upon my jawline
The flaring of my ears
Feral legs fueling every step forward
Ambitious intentions, high wattage, racing for the future
I'm a spark, I'm alive, I am whole, I am me
With an olive canvas of skin, begging for fingers to paint portraits of passion upon
Small body, big heart
Loving, compassionate, caring beyond compare
Sharp, witty, clever, intuitive
Desperate to be loved half as much as I love others
Lithe limbs scrambling for purchase, too small to pull myself up
The resiliency which I've displayed in this existence

I am worth so much more than this

Sonnets for SomeonesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon