Lurking Heart

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Make it bend to my will
Make it finally obsequious
Halt the retrograde thoughts, the craven thrill
Halt it from disobedience, make it tedious

Shouting calumniously for attention
Not allowing the mind to canonize the aching
Forcing actions to promote a state of declension
Can't the heart see it's creating its breaking?

With its insolence and craven requests
It only serves to further adulterate its status
As one with low standards; at least have some rigorous tests!
Refuse the observance of her bawdy, give the media some hiatus

Haven't you realized that it's not worth the effort yet?
Haven't you realized it's time to move on but not forget?
Haven't you realized it's time to push it to the side, not the forefront?
Haven't you realized that you have better things to do; it's time to be blunt?

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