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I trusted someone who I never should have trusted. This is from a time where I was unaware.

This is from a time where I was blissfully unaware of the damage that was being done to me by someone who I thought the world of. Be cautious with your affections.


I remember the first time I kissed you
I pulled back and said, surprised,
"You taste like honeysuckle!"

I must admit, I dont remember too many of our first times
Like the first time we met
The first time we spoke
The first time we hugged

I remember every first time
where I realized how much you meant to me

I remember when you laid in my lap and slept without nightmares for the first time

I remember when I saw you with your short hair
dyed hot pink for the first time
Burning nearly red in the golden hour light
Looking more and more like an angel with every step

I remember holding your face in my hands, countless times
Each time as lovely as the first
Each kiss I press into your weary skin as lovely as the first

I remember noticing for the first time that your eyes were brown, yes
But they had little flecks of green
Spotted very clearly like pearls of jade
Similar to the freckles on your skin like cinnamon on milk
Nutmeg and cream

And you still taste like honeysuckle, just as sweet and safe as the playground promises we would give as kids
Saying we wouldn't eat more honeysuckle, only to return the next day
Drinking up every bit of saccarhine sweetness they had to offer

You still taste like honeysuckle
And I know I'll always be coming back to you

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