Dec. 2, 2019 - It's Been A Year

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I wrote a ton of poems during October that I never posted here, so I'm publishing them here so y'all can see as well !! enjoy :-)
I love you
and I think a part of me always will
After all, you left a mark on me that I'll never forget
I don't think that it'd be accurate to call it a scar
I think it's more akin to a tattoo with a sad backstory
Because it hurt like hell to get it
And if someone asked about it,
I'd touch it fondly, a hint of sadness dotting my expression
And say that it's a long story, one that you probably don't want to hear
And one that I might wish to forget
But I know that it's best not to
To have learned those lessons and learned from them
To allow the ink to dry and the wound to heal

Keep going
Keep growing

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