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Forever ago I wrote a poem about walking in on people who were gossiping about me, and I stumbled open what I'd written! Here it is :^)


This sunken ashen soliloquy has been sung once previously

And the stench and the sting of it has singed the fringes of my soul once before

But I am present for this instance, the words have reached my ears, steady

Unhampered by safety nets of screens and typed up syllables, I'm shaken to the core

Words spill like oil and curses fling like flames

I address the betrayal and I'm tossed back misunderstandings and lies and rumors

It becomes twisted, I'm no longer part of the audience

In fact, I am regarded as the orchestrator of the violence

My blood is aflame and I am bubbling, boiling over and livid and angry

I don't want to calm down

I don't want to be extinguished

I want their submission

Before I know it, it's over

And I'm left alone


Just as I began 

Sonnets for SomeonesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora