Ode to Rumination and Pondering

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Do you know that you still occupy my thoughts?
How you swim about like a specter,
Tying my stomach into knots
And I think of what I'd say, my heart surrendered

In these musings, you never have much to say
Nor did you ever when we'd speak
Each hollow word plucked from your mind's fray
Delving me ever further, making me weak

I see old photos I'd taken of you, of us
And I miss you, aching to melt into peace again
Plunge into your fragile embrace without fuss
Let the love for each detail of you reign

Each lock and speckle of skin committed to memory
Delicate ribs and skull caging the unattainable
Falsifying, lying, deceptive trajectory
Housing that which was beautiful

And I wonder how our conversation would go
Where you'll be in another year
What ways we'd both grow
If your path will become clear
If you'll be safe and satisfied
Leaving your pain aside
And elect to keep going
to keep growing

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2020 ⏰

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