falling in love

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I am afraid to reference it for what it was
Because I'm still just a kid
I'm still so small
But I feel my heart bursting from my chest

I see the old photos I took
I hear my voice in the videos where I'm attracting your attention
And it aches
I see the joy in my eyes
I hear the adoration in my words
I feel sick to my stomach because I was so blind and so hopelessly in ****

And I regret
And regret
And regret

Because if what it was
Was what it was
It doesn't matter

Because I can't go back to it
Because the damage has been done and the connection severed
Because my family will never allow you in my life again
Because I've cursed you and your name to every person in proximity
Because I've bled out on every scrap of fabric and twine which wove the tapestry of our tales together, incapable of removing the stains

I must make peace with the wound
I must heal and accept the gash

The four letter word
The most vile of all
The most abhorrent
Most deleterious
Most dangerous
Most damaging

I shouldn't have fallen
All I have to show for it are bold bruises and skinned knees and sunken, sullen eyes

Is she reading these?
Will she ever find these?
Will she ever know that I'm talking about her?
Will she break these lines apart and know I'm speaking of her?
Will she ever know how badly she broke my heart?
Would she ever even care?

****. ****. falling in ****.

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