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I passed by a honeysuckle plant today
I nearly burst into tears
overwhelmed by the scent
so harsh
spilling onto my tongue
I taste you again and choke

I passed by some lavenders too
I remembered with an ache
how purple is your favorite color
is it?
did you lie?
which of you said it?

I passed by some roses
I thought of your face
pink cheeks blossoming for me
wishing for your thorns
to sink into my throat again

I blamed the tears in my eyes
the squeezing of my heart
the dizziness of my head
all on the pollen
the allergies of spring time

where you and this differ
is the fact that this is beautiful
this is growing
this is changing
but you aren't
you're remaining the same
the same gnarled, rotten roots you clung to

I have to remind myself to withhold water
not to extend a loving touch
honeyed words
because you're not these beautiful flowers
you're simply weeds

Sonnets for SomeonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora