
52 1 6

It just seems to keep getting worse and worse
Everything just crumbling into smaller and smaller pieces
I feel like I've been plagued with a curse
But no, iron out the worries like creases

Because quite honestly, it's more like what she said
How a coin can flip and flip and flip and flip some more
And it shouldn't always land on heads, she said
But it is possible for that to be what you have in store

And she's right
I've internalized that sentiment

I'm the shitty coin that just keeps landing on heads.

You flip the coin.


You flip it again.


Flip it again.


Heads, heads, heads, it's ALL. HEADS.

I'm begging, begging, begging for tails
Because I don't know how much longer I can follow these trails
I don't know if I want to wait for what the story entails

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