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I have two variations of this concept. Enjoy both as you will, they address the same message. The second one was intended for an assignment for my English class.
My tongue continuously cascaded about the cavity
Sudden, quick, alien, foreign, unoccupied space
Who knew that such an absence could provoke such a calamity
I never even had the chance to give chase

Long, drawn out pain
Burdening my gums and leaving me sore
Avoiding the removal
And now it's gone

Are not gums the site of a reverse-interring for the teeth?
Remember when we would lose them as children
And return from the nurse's, carousing with our prize; a plastic wreath
Hosting the bone within the container, a string of neon floss built in

How we'd gambol with friends and ignore how our mouths felt amiss
Aloofly tonguing the grave left by the ivory but parading pomp for our friends
Considering the malefaction imposed by the loss, nonetheless transfixed
Wishing your mind could circumvent the perdition of gummy glens

Is not a tooth the quintessence of the voluntary loss of a person's presence as well?
The arrant importunity of the immediate cessation of interaction leaving a gaping wound
Desperation for clemency, begging for the feelings to bid their farewell
Could not the scourge of a memory fill itself and the heart be mournfully swooned?

Perhaps not, but eventually the discomfort subsides
Saliva and tears acting as unctions with time, blessing one with eventual peace
Eventually the event only being one of similar significance to the changing of the tides
Becoming a simple event one may prenominate to with minimal caprice

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