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That's all (Y/N) felt.

But...wasn't she supposed to be dead?

Yes, yes, I know we're all thinking it. Trust me, even our late (Y/N) is wondering this.

After a few moments of collecting her breath, she gathered the courage to open her eyes, but she wasn't expecting what she saw: Maroon. A dark, maroon sky with a black pentagram that resembled a sun. Am I in Hell? She pondered. She pushed herself to get up off of the ground, and was immediately met with a massive city....and a horrifying migraine thar felt like she was stabbed, or rather, shot, in the head.

(Y/N) then came to her senses and remembered her situation and how she got here in what she thought was Hell. Selene. (Y/N) growled, wanting so badly to impale her other eye out with her knife.

Speaking of: Did she still have her stuff??

(Y/N) searched her pockets; well, she tried to; she wasn't wearing her hoodie! Or, any of her previous attire, for that matter!! Inhaling and exhaling a few times to regain her confidence, she headed further into the city. 

She heard many sounds: from gunshots, to ambulances, to prostitutes in the alley screaming, "HARDER DADDY~" Or something of that nature. (Y/N) noticed some twitching on her hed. She found a shattered mirror in the middle of the area, so she decided to check out that twitching.

And boy, did what she see PISS HER OFF.

There were large fluffy wolf ears perched on top of her head. Not only that, but she looked unrecognizable. Her (S/T) skin now a very pale white, the sclerae now a blood red, and her once-(E/C) eyes were now replaced with two giant, yellow X's. Her (H/L) (H/C) hair was now black that faded into red, & was so long, it reached the ground. As for her new outfit, she kinda liked it.

She took a large, sharp piece of glass from the shattered mirror. She was planning to use as a weapon to fend off any rapists or murderers, just until she could get a real one, which shouldn't be hard since she was in Hell: the home of sinners. As she walked around, she noticed a radio station, which had a bunch of televisions in the window, all playing the exact same thing. The news.

It looked to not be too crowded of people, so she pushed and shoved her way to the front to see a blonde woman singing. 

Oh no. She thought. This can't be good...

The blonde woman was wearing a hot pink tuxedo, and had the most genuine smile (Y/N) had seen...well, ever, really. Anyway, the woman was singing so fast that she couldn't quite make out the context, but she understood one phrase:

"Inside of every demon is a rainbow."

She scrunched her face in utter amusement. Is she serious?? She managed to gather some info from other demons. Apparently this is the princess of Hell and she's trying to make a hotel that rehabilitate's sinners. After she finished singing, she could hear someone in the background of the news station say, "Wow..... that was SHIT!!" Everyone around you and in the news station started laughing their asses off, including (Y/N).

"What in the nine-circles makes you think a single citizen of Hell would give TWO SHITS about becoming a 'better person?!'" One of the news anchors, the female, said. The princess looked up at the news anchor.

"You have no proof that this little experiment even WORKS!! You want people to be good? Just....BECAUSE??" The news anchor added. Finally, the princess spoke up.

"Well, we have a patron, already!" She said, giving the news anchor a dirty glare. "Who's believes in our cause, and he's showing incredible progress!" (Y/N)'s eyes widened. Who the fuck would waste their time for something as eat-ass as THAT?!

"Oh?" The news anchor said, getting closer to the blonde. "And who might THAT be?" The princess looked at her nails. "Oh, just someone named...Angel Dust,"

"The porn star?" The other news anchor, the male, asked, as he looked past the female and at the princess.

"You fuckin' wish, Tom," the female news anchor said to the male, who's name was apparently Tom. "In any case, that's not even an accomplishment. I'm sure you can get that hooker to do anything with enough booger-sugar in the lube!" She added. The princess of Hell looked mad now. All (Y/N) could do was stand there and watch the scene unfold.

"Oh, I beg to differ," the princess replied, getting closer to the news anchor. "He's been behaved, clean, and out of trouble for TWO WEEKS now!" The news anchor wasn't so excited to hear this. Just then, another news anchor from somewhere else yelled into the female's ear piece: "Breaking news!!"

The female news anchor, who you learned's name is Katie, smirked, pushing the princess, Charlie, out of the way and facing the camera. "We are receiving word that a new player has entered the on-going turf war!" Katie explained to the viewers. Turf war? (Y/N) thought. What the frik-a-frak is THAT??

"Let's go to the live feed!" Katie added, as she looked to her right, a webcam popping up on the screen. It showed a tiny humanoid egg get crushed by a spider lady who was throwing bombs. Charlie looked up at the webcam and frowned. "...Ooh, shit.." was all that escaped her lips. Katie's head appeared next to Charlie's. "'Ooh, shit,' indeed!" She mimicked Charlie as she scooted back to the front camera. "It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than porn actor Angel Dust!" Katie exclaimed as a picture of the same spider from before appeared on screen. (Y/N) started to heat up as she realized that it wasn't a woman.

"What a juicy coincidence!!" Katie said, shaking her fist & looking at Charlie. "You must feel REALLY stupid right now," her and Tom started laughing. (Y/N), as well as everyone else, joined in with the laughing.

All Charlie could do was panic. She put her hands in her hair and shrieked. She ran over the where the live feed was and attempted cover it up while screaming, "DON'T LOOK AT THIS!!" Um, has no-one taught this girl about how a green screen works?? Our wolf friend asked herself. "Well, it sure looks like your project is dead on a rival," Katie started, looking back at the princess. "Tell us: How does it feel to be a total failure?!" She asked, laughing right after. You could care less about what else was happening, to you turned around and walked away. Just to try and find someone to mug as a source of money.


(Y/N) managed to mug a few losers, and even two rich guys. Buy the time she started getting tired, she already had $10,000 in her possession. She also managed to snatch a machete from one of the low-life's she robbed, so at least she had a way of intimidating anyone who dares stand in her way.

She'd went to a fast food joint and stolen some french fries, so she was snacking on those. As she was walking through the city, taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells, she came across a tall building with an illuminated sign on top, labeled: "Happy Hotel." In front of the hotel, there were a bunch of figures walking into the hotel, and what was probably a hole to the deepest depths in front.

(Y/N) immediately recognized one of the figures as Charlie. "So, this is the hotel, huh?" She asked herself. She was wondering if she should go inside. Maybe tomorrow. She thought. Right now, I gotta get some sleep

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