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You woke up to that same warm feeling from before, and honestly, you didn't mind the temperature one bit.

You sought refuge in an alleyway. You hid behind a dumpster so nobody could find you and do anything to you. While you were behind there, you found a lone black kitten; and not like a humanoid cat; an actual cat, like one in the real world. You took it in and named him Shadow. He was fluffy and had large, golden irides.

Enough about Shadow. You remembered your promise from the night prior: To go to that hotel. Luckily you set up camp not too fat from it. You picked up Shadow and put him in a black leather purse you nicked off some loser. You went to a restaurant and got you and the charcoal feline some food, and headed off to the hotel.

Apon your arrival, you realized the sign on the building had changed. Instead of it saying "HAPPY HOTEL," it said "HAZBIN HOTEL." You stared at it for a minute before walking to the entrance. You were honestly kind of nervous.

"Need any help there, miss?" You jumped. You turned around and met your eyes with a brown-haired woman with one red eye and one blue eye. Her skin, like your's, was a very bright pale. She was wearing a black off-shoulder top with a broken heart on it, and her black bra exposed. She also was wearing a long red skirt that just reached the start of her knees. She had on black flats. She had two black horns drooping from the sides of her head, and a devil-like tail.

"Uhh...." was all you managed to utter. The woman laughed. "Well, nice to meet 'cha! I'm Lexi," this woman, Lexi, exclaimed.


"Awww, that's such a pretty name~" Lexi complemented, causing a smile to creep its way onto your face. "Thanks," You replied, shaking the demon's hand. "You gonna check into the hotel, too?" She asked, to which you replied a simple 'Sure.' She grabbed your hand. "Great!! Let's go in!" She exclaimed, dragging you in.

When you walked in, you were greeted with one of the nicest looking place Hell may have ever seen. Lexi dragged you over to the reception desk, and the receptionist was a black and white cat with red wings. The cat was drinking a bottle of beer, labeled "CHEAP BOOZE."

"Hiya!!" Lexi greeted to the cat. He was wearing a nametag that read: "Husk." Husk looked at Lexi with the most dead-inside face you've seen in Hell so far. "What do you want?" Husk asked, an 'I don't give a shit about life' tone in his voice. You looked the cat dead-on. "Um, I don't know, Maybe to get a HOTEL ROOM?" You asked, sarcasm in your voice. He slowly turned his head in your direction.

"You've got a lot of nerve, don't 'cha?" Husk asked. "You know it, fluffball!" You replied, innocently. He growled. "Fine. I'll need your name, demon type, date of death, cause of death, and sins commited" He explained. Lexi went first.

"Alexis Jones, succubus, December 11th, 1973, suicide, & assassination of a high authority." Lexi listed. You looked at her weirdly. Suicide? You thought. Wow... Lexi and Husk looked at you, as if gesturing you to start speaking. You nodded your head.

"(Y/N) (L/N), wolf hybrid, November 9th, 2019, assassination, & serial murder." Lexi looked at you, her smile quivering. Husk wrote down everything we said. "Alexis, room 404. (Y/N), room 405." Husk said, handing you each your room keys. Lexi squealed. "Yayyy~ We're right next to each other!!" She dragged you up the elevator to our rooms. "Alright, you get your stuff unpacked, I'll get mine unpacked, and we'll meet in my room at 5. Okay?" Lexi asked. You nodded, smiling. She smiled widely and skipped over to her room, unlocking it and closing the door.


You didn't really have much stuff, just the stuff in the purse from when you robbed it, which consisted of a sketch book, some pens, and some breath mints. Oh, and Shadow. Shadow was sleeping on your lap as you drew in the sketch book, which was surprisingly empty. Then, you heard a knock at your door. You walked over to the door to reveal Lexi, whose hair was now up in a messy bun, and was wearing some black soft-looking pajamas with red broken heart patterns dotting the pajamas. She was holding some (F/C) pajamas in her arms.

"Heya, (N/N)!!" Lexi greeted. You invited her in, and she ran in and sat on your bed. She immediately noticed Shadow grooming himself.

"O-M-G!! Is this your cat??" She asked. You nodded, giggling at her amount of energy. She picked up the little cat and gave him a great big hug. Suddenly, she put Shadow back on the bed. "I almost forgot!" She said, tossing you the (F/C) pajamas. "I heard you died yesterday and you have no clothes so I'm giving you these. I hope they fit~" She explained. You thanked her and walked into the bathroom to change.

You walked out in your new pajamas. Fortunately, they fit you perfectly. You walked out and say next to Lexi, who was snuggling Shadow. She looked at you and gasped. "You look SO PRETTY in (F/C)!!" She squealed, causing you to laugh.

For the next hour and a half, you two talked, watched television, and played with Shadow. You were honestly starting to wonder how such a nice person could be sent down to Hell. Then, another knock was at the door. You walked up to the door and opened it, and behind it was none-other than Charlie.

C̖̬̈̌̊͢o͉̟̔̽r̮̒̽ͅr̤͍̐̍up̙̩̮̓͋͡ṫ̰͐͢ | A Hazbin Hotel x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora