A dream I had

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I actually managed to write it down, surprise surprise. Wish I kept the other book i wrote about my dreams becaise npow that laptop broke and i can't access it HNNNGG. It's not really coherent or makes sense but its a dream so it doesn't need to. Anyways im gonna go before i piss myself.

7/11/19 Thursday

we were in some big mansion filled with lots of people. I don't really remember but we made a plan to go see a big star thing to prove it's existence was real but we had to do lots of parkour and sneak around. It was the afternoon when we decided to practice jumping down the balcony we needed to get to last. So we did it but we ended up walking into some woman talking about her child. And it was a womans helpline building or something.

When we sneaked down we ran into a boy and we were almost scared that we were caught but he wanted to join us. So it was me, this blonde boy and a wolf boy (who I was in love with). We sneaked through the building, well not really since we smashed glass to get to be able to jump from balcony to balcony. We were gonna break down this door but Aoyama (from mha) opened it and winked, he helped us get to our next destination.

Then we were at this area where we had to make sure this roast chicken (or egg??) wouldn't smash into the floor because it used to be someone. I remembered that I had done this before and explained what we needed to do. But before I could get up and help a woman came and shouted at us to be quiet, making our tower to get up fall. I fell into wolf boys arms. Than I sang a song about how much I didn't give a fuck about being quiet and told the woman to piss off and that I didn't care if people were annoyed. Then she left and we continued our mission. Then we got to our last part. But some demon got to me so we had to redo it, this time wolf boy said he got me a gun thingy. I shot the demon face and we did it. We saw the giant star boom and it was beautiful.

Other things: When walking in town we saw Donald Trump, twice. And I said "wow we've seen him walking here twice". During one part I think the blonde boy hummed the intro to a song for me to guess and it was giorno's theme (the good part). After everything happened the wolf boy died?? And I went into a parking lot to go home and found my dad, which he said that the aboriginal team were dropping me off but I guess not?? The wolf boy gave me a present which had to used in a thing and blonde boy teased me about it and I blushed.

I probably danced, hugged or at least kissed the wolf boy once. Also we ran into a naked guy eating and we walked away, later it was revealed to be the blonde boy.

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