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I remember on my friends birthday, this random dude messaged me and sent creepy fucking dms, so i told tabby and then he got involbved (i wish he didn't, i should've just blocked the creep and moved on but im a fucking idiot) and then splook got involved and his friend. 

So this dude kept trying to get nudes from me, a fucking 13 year old. He was, what? 15?? What a fucking PEDO. I'm so fucking disgusted thinking back on this. I fucking hate MAPS/Pedos. Anyways then he tried to get Tabby's. Then I messaged him a lot of condescending bullshit, just downplaying him.
I was like "i know i'll always be above you because at least i'm not a fucking pedophile asking for 13 year olds nudes". And he blocked me but he messaged other friends of mine and he ws messaging Splook. LIKE BITCH?? WE NOT INTERESTED FUCK OFF.

Makes me sick that a FUCKING 15 YEAR OLD WAS ACTING LIKE THIS. I hope he's put on a register, i hope he doesn't interact with anybody outside because he's fucking mental. I don't give a shit if i sound rude he fucking deserves it. NOT ONLY DID THIS HAPPEN ON TABBY'S FUCKING BIRTHDAY, IT ALSO GOT ME FEELING PARANOID AS FUCK. He said he's track my ip down, god i hate him so much. I had a lot of proof before but its on my laptop thts broken so its all gone. Anyways we got that fucking pedo banned.

Before we did, we baited him using a shared account called Charlotte and apparently he sent a nude pic of his dick. Me and Tabby must've been asleep since it was only Splook who saw it. And he said it was small which made him delete it lol, imagine having such a fragile ego. ALSO we made Charlotte around like 9 years old and he still tried to get her to send fucking nudes, what the fuck. That guy needs help, all pedos do. I don't care if they're "non-contact" they're fucking disgusting, coming from a 13 year old aka myself.

Anyways i just wanted to talk about this because i got reminded of this. Fuck that dude and have a good night.

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