Art block

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I have no idea what to draw or write, but draw most likely. I don't really write that much. Anywayss. I HATE ART BLOCK HGFVBJHS. When I do have art block I just doodle myself or ocs or fanart. Or just don't draw. Like theres days where i draw a bunch and it looks AMAZING!!! But then i get burnt out after that and don't draw ffor days hhh. Like it sucks man.

When I got new pens (since my mums friend gave it to me, i should really name them lol. Ok friend number #1 will be El and friend number #2 will be Co) from Co it inspired me to do more art becaus ei had lots of colours to work with and i drew a lot cfor a couple of days but now im burnt out and it fucking sucks. I am really greatful that Co gave me these gel pens tho becaise i didn't have anymore pens or markers anymore because my stoopid brother Caiden lost them.

He always touches my stuff and loses it, it makes me mad, but mostly upset. Just keep your damn hands to yourself. It always happens when i'm at camp. Also my plsuhies get destroyed by the dog. I don't blame the dog tho, but the people who let him in my room. LIKE I LEAVE THE DOOR CLOSED FOR A REASON! And it jUSTG YHDBJDJ. He destroyed my two favourite ones, the one I got from my dad and one i got from a friend who left. Like i'm over it now but bitch?? youc an't just fucking do that. And stuff i bought myself? He destroys that too. LIKE I BOUGHT THAT WITH MY OWN FUCKING MONEY.

Anyways sorry for getting off topic, I always do that when i talk to myself lmaO.

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