Fake friends?

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SO... Ok a "friend" of ours (me and Savvy) just came up started being a bitch all of a sudden and then she was like "friends? I don't believe in friends" and just hrrrnmm. AND YOU WANNA KNOW THE MOST BULLSHIT PART?? She said she hated fake friends, like bitch, that's what you just did. You pretended to be our friend, you pretended to be fucking nice to us and you, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HATES FAKE FUCKING FRIENDS?? Sorry I just can't deal with this fucking bullshit.

I might kick her out of the gc but that seems kind of mean, so i'll just let her leave in her own time. I'll give her a week.

Honestly, Savvy is really upset right now and i'm pissed, i'm not as upset but bro, you can't do that to one of my friends alright. None of us did anything wrong, she just started acting like this for no fucking reason, it really doesn't make sense. Sure, am I being harsh on her? Well thats her fucking problem not mine. Honestly people sicken me so much, how they pretend to be something and then out of nowhere just be like "haha i was just kidding, u thought i LIKED YOU?? FUCKING DUMBASSES" like yeah okay, sure, 'oh i hate fake friends" fake friend ass bitch. 

I don't get mad this often but she's not even going to apologise, if she does, than maybe she could befriend us again, but if she doesn't? Bye bye bitch lmao. I don't need someone like her in my life. God today is just full of anger isn't it, good thing its Sunday. Just argh, why do people have to be such two faced fucking bitches. She was nice, she gave me a nickname and she was pretty nice, kind of edgy and troublesome but nice but then she goes and pulls this shit? Yeah fuck people who do this.


When she said that i was like "Yandere? I hate that trope lol, they suck". Honestly should've avoided her like the plague when she said that. People who say they're irl Yanderes are fucking delusional and need to be put on register. Nothing is cute about murdering for someone you love.

OH AND ALSO? I gave this bitch lots of advice, i've treated her with nothing but fucking kindness, sure i got a bit tired of her antics at one point but I fucking apologised. I DID ALL THIS FOR NOTHING HUH. SO MY FRIENDSHIP MEANT NOTHING TO YOU, SAVVY'S FRIENDSHIP MEANT NOTHING? WOW OKAY, EVERYONES FRIENDSHIP HERE MEANT NOTHING? We did everything we could to help you, be kind, we comforted you and you pull this fucking shit out of your asshole? Yeah thanks a lot, I hope we never fucking pass ways in real life.

Probably repeated a bunch of things here but honestly, i'm pissed off. If you're asking, i'm fine, just needed to let off some steam.

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