Day Two: A Letter to Your Parents

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Thanks for divorcing and giving me anxiety and depression luvs. Appreciate it, lmao jk I don't. Whenever we go to the hospital you always say "why can't you kids be normal?" as if it isn't your own fault for raising us this way. I appreciate you sometimes mum, but you can lowkey be a dickhead. Also I know you smoke crack and sell weed, I'm not blind, we live in the same house. You always try to hide it away but what do you take me for, an absolute buffoon? I may be stupid, but i'm not dumb. Even with all the flaws you have I still love you, you do take care of me and you can be nice sometimes. It's just on somedays you make me feel so useless and that I can't do anything right, but maybe it's true. I still prefer dad over you though.

To my dad, I miss you so much, every day I miss you. Back in the past you may have been not as good but you've decided to change and for the better. Now you have a job at this really high class Hotel, but I assume they don't pay you well, which sucks. I wish to see you again sometime, it really sucks when the person who's shaped you up is gone for most of your life. I aspire to become like you, successful, liked by the community, happy, proud. I'm tearing up just writing this because I feel so tiny compared to you, you are so much greater than I am and I wish I could become as great as you. Everything you've given me, I've tried to keep in good shape because everything you give me is special. You helped me become who I am and I know you'll always be there to support me. Though sometimes you can make me feel like a nothing like when I didn't know how to cook things, no ones ever taught me that and you just being disappointed in the fact I can't do something makes me feel humiliated. You can have your days too but I appreciate everything you do for me, you and mum try so hard to take care of us kids.

Even though I may not love you as much mum, I still would do anything for you because your important to me as well and I wish you well. I just wish you never broke up this family, we used to be so happy and together but now I barely even talk to you anymore. 

That's all I have to say for now.

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