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I was just joking with someone and they brought in a random serious thing and I thought they were still joking and they said they were serious. Like i'm sorry bro? But its ur fucking fault for bringing something serious up while not doing something serious. I feel bad but also don't because it isn't my fault they brought up something serious.

Like good to know bro but i'm just trying to have a good time??? If u have something serious to say, say it in the fucking #rant or #vent channel not general. Like I'm upset that i'm even upset over this its not my fucking fault you brought up something that didn't need to be brought up. So am I sorry? No, not really. 

Does that sound insensitive? Yeah probably but do i give a shit? Maybe later but not atm. It just pisses me off. I don't try to bring up any serious topics unless the conversation has drifted to it or if it is already the topic, if it isn't then i'm just joking. Honestly I think i'm just gonna leave that server all together. I can't stand a majority of the people on there. They're all assholes.

Like yes i'm being one right now but i'm never rude to anyone on that server. And they just don't know when to stop. This is why there's so much drama there, because everyone is a massive fucking dickhead. And if i'm being honest, i don't want to be in a server that's full of drama. There are a couple people I like there but I wish we still kept the 2nd server. It was way better than the shithole of a server we have now. God I just hate people sometimes.

I'll probably leave in a couple of days, not right now tho cause i'll look like i'm quitting due to being insensitive. They made someone leave due to a fear they had of special ed kids. Like it's not their fault they can't handle them and that they have a fear due to being mishandled by them. Yes, respect special ed kids and all that, everyone has to do it and i'm sure that person does, even if they fear them. Fear =/= no respect. I'm scared of going outside due to being yelled at and threatened by this old man who lives in the same exact building and it isn't just this one occasion. God i can't stand that server or people these days.

Sure I might sound like a sensitive person, but hey, i give a shit about stuff. Maybe i should care less? But why? Why should i be an asshole to people unless they've given me a reason to be. Anyways, sure i might be a sensitive crybaby, but at least i'm not a massive dickhead who's too far up their own fucking ass.

Sorry for this vent/rant i'm just really upset.

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