Splook did something again

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And I don't know what it is. Tabby's friends haven't told them but by the way they're reacting, it must be terrible. God how can he act like such human scum and not feel terrible, i'm sick of giving someone like him second chances, he's disgusting and I hate him. 

Talking about him even makes me sick to my stomach, gross. He must've gone after Henry because that's who Tabby mentioned (he also said they might be crying.) and shjbdbvdjh Splook if you're reading this fuck you, you didn't deserve to have such great friends as them. They'd do anything for you but you've decided to just act like a cunt? How typical of you, you'll never get better. You've had forever to learn to change but you never did, how disappointing. Not that I care.

I hope whatever it is that you did bites you back in the ass, you'll see how no one likes you.

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