Day Three: A Letter to Your Best Friend

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(Forgot about this whoops)

Dear number #1 bestie Tabby, although we are merely online friends, I feel I could tell you everything, there is never a day where I don't regret hanging out with you. Sometimes I feel bad for the people you have attracted, such as *cough cough* splook *cough cough*. Since someone as kind as you shouldn't have to put up with such bullshit. If I ever do anything wrong don't feel afraid to tell me, even if it does make me feel bad. I only want to be the best friend I can be. Sometimes I spam you messages a lot when you sleep, I'm sorry if that annoys you, your just the only person I talk to daily, it's easy to talk to you so casually since I know you (well, know you as well as I can). 

I know sometimes I spam you about things that i'm interested in that you don't care for and i'm sorry if I ever sound uninterested or uncaring, I am bad at keeping up serious conversations or convos about things i don't know/care for. It's hard for me :') but i'll try my hardest, I swear, because I wanna be a great friend to you because it's what you deserve. Just know that even if I am unable to help you or aren't able to keep up  serious convo, you shouldn't be afraid to vent to me, just know that if I don't respond it's not because I don't care, I just feel overwhelmed.

If u ever need any space from me just tell me ^^ i'll just find someone else to bug or,,, just bug myself. Just know I love u to the moon and back and would do anything for you, i would climb mount humongous and risk being killed by boulders just 4 u, never forget that. Uhh if u read this uhhhh i love u and hope u have a good day/night ^w^

Travis's thoughts + random stuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora