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I am going to review the characters, not very indepthly, sorry. I won't just make fun of them because I dislike a few of the crew members tho. I will only talk about what I remember of the characters, I am not rewatching all the seasons I am too LAZY.

Mari: I don't really remember much about her despite being the main character, I guess that's because season 3 focuses on the uhh forgot the name group but Nicoles group. But in the first season (if i can remember) she was very loud? I don't know I can't remember. Which isn't a good thing for a MAIN CHARACTER. I only remember her dating Remi in season 3 and maybe thinking about Levi? It's all just gone away. What I would like for Mari is to start re-appearing? I liked her as a main character,, I think anyways. I do love her design, a friend mentioned it looking like a scene neko and I love that! I love that she wears different outfits too!

Katie: I've always liked Katie, not just because of her colour palette,,, well that plays a big part in it. But she's a mischievous kid character who doesn't know better! Like when she put laxatives in cookies that she sold, that was a shit move but fitting for a kid who thinks it just a harmless prank. Tbh she didn't deserve to be tortured and abused for that but i'll touch on that more. I didn't really like when she found a laptop and ordered a "boyfriend". She isn't smart but I think she would know better than that, especially after all she's been through. I feel like making her interested in boys is a cop out because we already did that with MARI. Why can't she be interested in a show or game, like kids usually are? Also I liked how she laid down and cried not wanting to be like her older sister Lizzy and regretting ever looking up to her ^^ I could relate.

Lizzy: I loved her at first and I still like her. I HATE Yandere characters and I hate her for that but if u push that away she's a decent villain, not really though. I absolutely despise the yandere trope, it's old and boriiiiiing. It's always "girl/boy/they fall in love with love interest, love interest doesn't love them, person goes ballistic and on a/multiple killing sprees then ends up with the one they love or the one they love is dead or THEY are dead." and it's BORING. Anyways I liked her deadpanned-ness at the beginning, a total kuudere and calm person who seemed level-headed and responsible. A bit mean spirited at times but when taking care of two younger siblings I understand. But when she met Levi it all went downhill. LIKE THEY LITERALLY JUST MET!! I mean it could happen but knowing both of their personalities, it would've gone down way differently. But I guess whatever to get the plot moving. I think everyone just shipped it due to it being the only romantic couple yet. Also Levi- Don't get me started. So Levi doesn;t hang out as often and she gets worried, that's okay, you can get worried for your 'boyfriend'.

But soon after she gets obsessed like Mari? which doesn't  make sense considering what her character arch was like. A level-headed kuudere who seemed responsible. Sure she did some drastic things like burning a house down but whats that to anybody. So anyways she goes stalkerish levels over levi and i,,, gotta be honest this ain't it chief. You could've done so much more with lizzy than just make her obsessed with a boy. Every problem up until this point is due to relationship issues, it's like its the only thing mari knows what to write about. Which as a writer is a bit,,, restrictive, you should be able to write a conflict thats more than just a relationship breaking up or your stereotypical mean girl. Anyways Lizzy goes on a rampage and kills like 35 girls in 10 hours or something (i am most likely wrong). But that,,, doesn't make sense? Since the girls she all killed had to have brown hair and blue eyes and well, the town they were in seemed small and uhh, it just doesn't add up. Also you can't kill that many people in that amount of time and not be caught, but i guess she did escape jail like twice so maybe the cops are just so fucking incompetent at their job. 

Well she's dead now anyways :/ well she better fucking be. Don't bring her back. Anyways I wish her story was different, yandere stories are so boring and predictable.

Nicole: I never really liked her character to begin with. But like? She was really rude to Lizzy who was a MENTALLY ILL WOMAN! Yet people loved her? I pretended to so i could fit in but I just dislike her whole character. I like that she enjoys spongebob but like :/. she was just really rude for no reason. I guess she was liked due to her 'sassiness' and quoting memes. But other than that i really feel like there is NOTHING to her. She does have anxious feelings towards lizzy and levi which i do like but that brings me to my next point. I DO NOT CARE FOR HER RELATIONSHIP TOWARDS LEVI. I hate Levi and i feel like their relationship (along with all the others) was forced. I mean,,, met at a airport and dated like immediately? Especially not long after he was with Lizzy? Not epic. 

Their love feels artificial to me because they've only dated for a few months and not years but they ACT like a married couple. Like that could happen but Levi doesn't seem like the type and neither does nicole. If anything they remind me of team rocket. Anyways i don't really like Nicole's whole character all together but if you do i won't stop you.

Levi: I. Hate. Him. He just,,, he had bad vibes. He kissed Lizzy literally when he just met her and then he just ghosted her??? Never told her "i didn't really feel a connection sorry." ?? LIKE IF U DID THAT NONE OF THIS WOULDA HAPPENED HEADASS!! Also he's just not a very nice character. When he is it's just to Nicole which again, I don't like their relationship. ALSO THEY MET AT AN AIRPORT WHICH MEANT WHEN HE SAW HER SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHO SHE WAS. Also,,, she is said to look like a 12 year old and Levi was like "she was beautiful from first sight" ok you fucking nonce. Don't date young girls but will date a barely legal teen who looks 12. Also he's like super fucking edgy and supposed to be a dream boyfriend or whatever but he just really rubs me the wrong way. I feel like this whole time in the show he has never done 'anything wrong' which he has but i won't get into it.

I just feel like he'll also turn yandere like Lizzy and that pisses me off, please don't fucking do that. Like he said to nicole "if lizzy had killed you i'd gone on a rampage and then killed myself." LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?? Or something along those lines I don't remember. That's uhh, lowkey kinda serial killer of you and possessive. Also when he stomped in Lizzy's face, I get that he was angry but that seemed very out of character and everyone seems to agree. Also them partying after she died was just,,, wrong. I get feeling happy but throwing a whole party? That's just fucking cold, Lucas was the only one with common sense. In short I don't like Levi and I don't think anything can make me. I just despise him.

Claude: I loved claude at first and I love his design, but i've come to despise him. He kidnapped and tortured an innocent young girl just because she played a devious prank,,, SHE'S A FUCKING CHILD SHE DOESN'T KNOW ANY BETTER. What if a kid sold you lemonade that was idk extra fucking sour, would you punt him in the head? Also he manipulated Ryder into helping abuse Katie and made him feel bad. NO BEST FRIEND WOULD EVER FUCKING DO THAT. I wish he wasn't a bad guy so I could like him but i just hate him, he's a terrible guy. Some villains i do like but i just don't like him. The reason is so,,, outlandish but at least this conflict wasnt because of relationship issues, it just wasn't really a reasonable one though.

I loved his dumb personality but other than that I dislike him. If he was a good guy i'd probably love his fucking character. I love dumb himbos who are good guys, but claude? i can't even say hes a himbo hes just a jerk.

That's all I'm gonna write for now i'm tired but i'll write some more about other characters. Like Lucas, Caleb, Ryder, uhh Eli? Jake? I can't remember anyone other than those. OH Lani and Suzi as well. Thanks for reading and uhh, watch MMC yourself! The first season starts off goofy as hell but it gets better :) Just because I seem to dislike some characters does not mean I dislike the show. Also I do not hate Lizzy I just dislike the way she is written.

Travis's thoughts + random stuffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora