Devilman Crybaby

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I recently watched Devilman Crybaby in one whole night on netflix. Like i stopped at the 7th episode but I couldn't help myself and I cried at the show hnnnfghbgk. It's been a while since I've cried at a show/movie. God.

If you don't want the show to be spoiled for you then... don't read. Watch it than read this. If you don't care than continue reading.

So when I started watching the show I didn't know what I was expecting, I went in fully blind with a small amount of info. I remember watching the bad dub on youtube but when I watched the netflix version it was the newer one so it didn't have the bad dub. But anyways, there was a lot more nudity and sex than I would've though there would been but like, even with all that the plot was still really sad, especially at the end. I dmed my friend my reactions while they were sleeping because I needed to tell someone or else I wouldn't really wanna watch the show. It just feels better to tell someone my emotions you know? Anyways I'm getting off track. At the beginning I somewhat liked Ryo, especially him being with Akira, I thought they looked cute. Also that one rapper boy with his hair covering his face? Peak design but... He ended up being a traitor, that son of a bitch. In the beginning I suspected the pills at the party turned people in to demons and I think technically it did? It was a part of it anyways. So Ryo summoned Amon into Akira's body, making him Devilman. I really liked Akira's character, always crying for someone else instead of himself, standing up for whats right even if it hurts him. I loved that, a man who isn't afraid to cry. I also really liked Sirene's character design and arc, even if it was rushed. Her basically falling in love with her bodyguard and merging together and dying together? Ugh, goals.

It made me sad to see Koda and Miko turn bad after taking the pills, they seemed like decent people, but hey, at least Miko came back to her senses and became a decent person again, I really liked her frenemy relationship with Miki. Fighting to have her name back, it made me feel somewhat bad for her. I felt ehhh somewhat bad for Koda, not really though. Since he betrayed them and turned on the devilmen side. What really made me cry was Miki's parents death. Noel went out to find his wife and son only to find his son became a demon eating his wife. It saddened me to see his reaction and hesitation to kill his son, I felt bad. AND THEN THE MILITARY MEN KILLED HIM AND THE FAMILY AND GRRR. I hated Ryo for what he did to the world, the panic and chaos he brought. I hate Ryo so much, he has gotten a place on my "characters i fuckin' despise" list. Like? Taro, Noel and Makiki didn't deserve this. MIKI DIDN'T DESERVE THIS. I feel so bad for Miki, she tried so hard, she just wanted to live happily. Yet she died. At the beginning of the show I was like "bet she's gonna die" and guess what, she fucking did, I mean, basically everyone died.

I also really liked Miko asking the humans if what they were doing was morally correct, if they were really in the right. They said they were but... They really weren't. This is what panic does, this is what blaming another person, species, race does. It makes people go out of their way to kill, even if the person isn't that being. That's what I hate about humans, they want to attack others just to protect themselves, they only care for their own being. But that's just how we are I guess. And Akira protecting the humans from being hurt? Making the kid think about if what he is doing is right, making the people change their mind? I cried. He really made a difference there but Koda ruined it, Ryo ruined it, he ruined everything. I especially cried at Miko and Miki dying. Miki did nothing wrong, she didn't deserve all of this but she endured the pain anyways, it hurt. It hurts seeing someone so innocent, naive and kind being hurt just for supporting Devilman. And at the end where they danced with their body parts on sticks over her burning house? That one kid who had a covered face smiling doing that? I liked his design but what an asshole. Akira burying her head in a grave with flowers? That shit hurted.

Even though I knew Ryo was Satan (since of deviantart fanart) it still kind of shocked me. He made the demons, he did all this. Then at the end he was sad that Akira was dead (even though he was the one who fucking killed him, dumbass) and cried. I don't feel bad though. Fuck Ryo/Satan. I did like his design though, it still showed him as angelic looking, since he was cast out from heaven. Also I knew Jenny would be a demon, Ryo's assistant, her face just gave that image. 

Anyways I really enjoyed this show and cannot recommend it enough, if you don't mind the sex and nudity. It was a heart felt story that doesn't really have a good end, but every story can't have a happy ending I suppose. But I hope that Akira and Miki's family are at peace and spending their life happily together in the afterlife. And fuck Ryo he fucking sucks and deserves no rights.

 And fuck Ryo he fucking sucks and deserves no rights

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