Day One: A Letter to Yourself

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Dear myself. I have a hate/love relationship with you. Sometimes I wish I could go into the past and be the person I used to be, but who was I even back then? I can't remember. I can't say that I love the way you look, because I don't, I hate it. I wish I was anyone but you. But sometimes you're not so bad I suppose, that doesn't mean I love you or like you, but you can be bearable at sometimes. I hate how childish or niche your interests are, who wants to talk about Spongebob or Devilman Crybaby? No one because nobody cares.

Do you feel unloved? I know you do, you do all the time don't you. You wish your dad would come back, you wish they never broke up don't you? Well too bad, the world doesn't work that way and you know it, it isn't your fault but you can't help feel it is. It always has to be your fault doesn't it? You feel like your mother and sister hate you right? I know that feeling all too well.
Maybe sometimes the sun does shine bright, those days you cherish, don't you? I would too, I don't blame you. 

The only things that bring you joy are those fantasy worlds you fantasize about, all about shows or games you like. You can't help it though, they are your only escape from reality after all and it seems like you could really use the break. But I guess there are some people in your life who are pretty cool, your dad and Tabby. They're pretty epic aren't they? Yeah, I agree, they are. You would do anything for them and you know it.

Anyways, I don't have anything else to say to you, have a good day.

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