Trans Miku

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Can you believe people care so much over a headcanon of a FICTIONAL CHARACTER? So what if someone thinks Miku is trans, is it hurting you? No? Is it affecting you in anyway? No? Has it come into your home and threatened to destroy you? No? THEN STOP FUCKING COMPLAINING. And if it has done any of that than you're just a transphobic fuck.

It's called a headcanon for a reason, it isn't canon but it's what the person envisions, after all this is a f i c t i o n a l character. She is just a literal voice who so happens to have a mascot. Guess what? All the Vocaloids do but just because they do doesn't mean you can't make them look different to actual canon. If everybody drew canon characters exactly the way they are than art would be so boring. You wouldn't have fanart of characters in christmas clothes going shopping, you wouldn't have ship art and you wouldn't have fanfictions where the characters do things that wouldn't happen in real canon. After all it's just a headcanon.

Also fat Miku doesn't hurt anyone. ALSO just because someone draws Miku fat it does NOT mean they are promoting that fat is 'healthy'. Just because fat isn't healthy doesn't mean those people DO NOT EXIST! THEY DO! And they try so hard to lose weight, sometimes they are fat due to a disorder, maybe they can't exercise due to an illness or maybe they don't have any time? Fat people just want to be represented in media too and if it's through canon characters than so be it. It is not supporting "unhealthiness" it is just a drawing of a fat person. Also most of the time people comment "why do you want them to be obese?" when the character in all factuality, is far from being obese. Obese is what you see in those inflation or big fetish arts, now they go to the extreme and make them obese. Which if it makes you happy and it doesn't harm anyone, then so be it.

These are just normal fat people. Why can't you just let fat people exist without getting on their weight all the time. What if they are trying to lose weight? Do your demeaning words really help fat people think "maybe I should lose weight?" or does it just send them into self hate? I'm thinking the latter. Why does the existence of fat people bother you so much? What have they ever done, they do not affect you in anyway, shape or form. Just say your fatphobic and go. It may not be healthy, but so what? Can't they just exist without feeling guilt? Sometimes people are fat AND healthy, you know. Those people do exist! And unhealthy skinny people exist too! You just think skinny people are better and hotter don't you, which is fine but does not mean you need to bring down fat people. 

In short, if a drawing of a fictional character that looks different from canon bothers you so much, maybe you should go outside for once. :)

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