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I watched the Spongebob Musical and there's a certain scene stuck in my head, the scene where Squidward goes like "The world is a cold, harsh, terrible place and you didn't believe me!" and spongebobs like "I still don't!" like,,,, I-

I can't explain it, just the power that line holds, even though the things Squidward says could be true, spongebob still doesn't believe it, he stays positive, even when everyone was against him, even when the whole town was in shambles. He was still trying to bring everyone together and have the best day ever, even if it was the last day,,, he still stuck through. And I feel like that's important, if he hadn't been brave, if he hadn't convinced his friends to help him then,,, Bikini Bottom would've been destroyed and everyone would be hypnotised to like chum.

Let's not forget his friends, without their help he wouldn't have made it far. Even when Sandy was being prejudiced against she still tried to help Spongebob because she believed in him and more importantly, she believed in herself (with the help of pat and bob). Even when the world was against her being a land mammal she tried her hardest to help spongebob stop mount humongous from erupting. And Patrick? He stood by Spongebobs side from the beginning until he was taken away into being a cult leader, but he only joined them because he felt like he was being listened to. In the end he ended up grabbing Sandy's jetpack and saving the day but grabbing Spongebob and bringing him to safety.

He helped Spongebob realise that he's managerial material. not just any friend would do that. Even though they had a big fight he still came back in the end because in his heart he knew that his best friend was always there for him. I just,,, love the ending to the musical, how they come together in the end and stop the city from destroying itself. Like when Spongebob said "guys stop! If you keep going at this we won't have a city to defend anymore." Like? And at the end even Squidward was more happy towards Spongebob and Mr Krabs (kind of) apologised for the way he acted towards him/pearl. 

I just really love the way Spongebob acts in the musical, even through all the hardships, the doubt of him being worth anything, he still pushed on and was brave, he faced his fears with his friend, he fought for what he thought was right. All into the end, and it succeeded, he won, they won.

You guys should watch the musical it's really heckin' good, the music is good and the story is good! It's a great musical,,, even tho I did kind of spoil it here ;w;

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