"Are We Back Home?"

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At the mansion. 

Everyone was at the library looking through the empty books. Apparently the Author was able to make the ink work and went to Gold to fulfill his plans. But nothing has changed yet. 

Regina "They're all still blank. Whatever the Author's writing, it's not appearing in the books. This is useless"

Robin grabbed her head "Easy ! this is not your fault"

Yeah, Robin and Regina are kinda dating again which makes me so happy. 

Regina "even so, tomorrow, thanks to Gold and the Author, i can wake up a talking frog"

Hook "At least you'll wake up. "

I looked at him "i don't doubt whatever the Dark One has in store for me it a far worse fate. "

Charming "Well, there's not use speculating what he wants, we just need to stop it. And if there's nothing useful here, we need to move on. Find something else that can help"

Suddenly August walked inside "i might know something that could"

Charming "August, i thought you didn't know anything more about the Author. "

I shook my head "he doesn't, but he knows someone who does. That's why i called him here"

Snow "who?"

August "the man who gave him his power, the Apprentice. I met him once when i was living in Phuket. He was the one who told me about the storybook and that i should learn everything about it"

Charming "if he was in Storybrooke, could you find him?"

August "Well, i haven't seen him.."

He pulled out a piece of paper with a sketch on it "...but that's what he looks like"

Hook stood up to get a better look at it before freezing "i know this man"

I looked at him, shocked "you do"

Hook "more importantly, i know exactly where to find him"


Hook gestured to the box with the hat on the ground "i trapped him in there. I didn't know"

I put a hand on his arm "it's okay. It was Gold, not you"

Me "Blue was in there, she can get him out"

Hook looked at her "but don't you need the Dark One's dagger?"

Blue "Well, not if i have something that belonged to the Apprentice. "

Hook handed her a broom.

She took a deep breath before casting the spell. 

Another wave of energy came out of the box and we all shielded out eyes from the light. A man was suddenly sitting on the chair.

Me "Are you-"

The Apprentice nodded "Yes. And there is no time to waste. Isaac had abused his power for too long. The time has come to set things right"

Regina "How?"

The Apprentice "by putting him back where he can't harm anyone, in the book. I will need the page with the painted door and the key. We shall return him to his prison and this time, i would wager, none of you will set him free again. The page!"

Henry "it's back in the loft"

Emma "Mom, Dad, Echo and Killian, watch Henry. If Gold's smart he'll fo after the page, too" 

At Snow's. 

We all walked around and searched for the page. 

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle out of it.

Out of nowhere everything went black. 

In an alternative Enchanted Forest. 

I woke up gasping. There were chains on my ankles holding me to the ground. 

Emma was here too, wait what?

Me "Emma?"

She looked at me shocked "Echo?"

Me "Emma, what happened?"

she shook her head "i don't know"

I looked down at our new wardrobe. We were wearing dresses. 

I asked confused "Are we back home?"

Emma "if that's the case then why are we locked up in this tower?"

I looked at her shocked. 

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