The New Dark One

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In the Enchanted Forest. In the woods. 

i gasped and looked around "where am i?"

Where the hell am i?

My hair was soaked and i was dressed in a long coat and a grey normal dress. 

Someone was whistling. 

I called out "Who's there?"

Then i turned around and saw Rumpelstiltskin standing there. 

I froze "you're supposed to be in Storybrooke. You were in a coma"

He laughed "ah, yes, i am or, uh, rather, uh, he is"

Me "what are you?"

Rumple "I'm many things. I'm the voice in your head, the Dark One's powers inside you, inside all the Dark Ones. Rumpelstiltskin is one of many. Perhaps i can be another. How about Gorgon the invincible?"

He turned into a big fire spitting wild boar. 

I moved out of the way "Gold!Stop!"

He turned back "Yes, it's probably easier this way. Now, are you ready to begin?"

Me "begin, what?"

Rumple "Well, learning to be The Dark One, of course. Think of me as your guide, but only till you've learned to embrace your powers"

I shook my head "i will never embrace the darkness. Not again, i can't"

Rumple chuckled "they all say that! everyone who slips from this well enjoys the taste too much. the only way to stop is to be stopped. this is the fate of all Dark Ones"

I walked away. 

Rumple "you can't just walk away from it"

Me "Watch me"

Suddenly he was in front of me.

I sighed "i'm in the Enchanted Forest now, which means Merlin can't be far from here, and the Apprentice told me he can destroy the Darkness, so i'm going to find him"

Rumple "Merlin? you're better off with me"

Me "I will never be like all of you!I will never hurt the people i love-the people who love me"

Then i walked away. 


I ran when i heard a carriage. 

A guy was driving a carriage. 

Me "hey! excuse me!"

He turned to me. 

Me "i need directions to Camelot. Do you know the way?"

The guy nodded "of course. It'll only cost you two pieces of silver"

Me "do you even have any idea who i am? i am your princess! i don't have any silver with me"

The guy "now three"

Me "i'm in a hurry"

The guy "four"

I yelled "Just tell me"

He started to choke and was raised in the air. 

The guy choked out "what are you doing?"

I shook my head "i am not doing anything"

Gold showed up "but of course you are. "

He was doing it. 

Me "Stop it!"

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