Chapter 12 • Name •

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It had been a whole day, Zane had left Dipper a blanket and one of the pups.
The brunette and blonde have been sitting with each other, a wall blocking them from each other. Torturing them,
"Bill I've missed you so much," the. Brunette spoke.
"I know pinetree...I heard some of the Goppers gossiping,"
Dipper stayed quiet,
"So, Alcor?"
Dipper looked down,
"My name is Alcor D, Rephic." Dipper said with a smile.
The blonde looking back at him, "I love it." A smiling taking over his as well.
They stayed there the whole night, Bill having need to go back and get a blanket. Coming back he sat down near a tree, Dipper taking a tree in front of him.
They talked all night, both falling into a soothing sleep.
Because finally, after all this time.
They finally had the other close.

So when Dipper opened his eyes to find himself in a dark smelly room he was scared and confused, lifting his arm only to see that his hands were tied down. Dipper looked down at his legs, tied down. He looked at his surroundings once more. He was in Ford's lab.....

"You." Dipper looked to his side seeing Ford across the room, he also noticed another table, long blonde hair sticking out, Pacifica.
"What have you done." Ford's voice was quite but the echo of the room bring plenty of help.
"I have done not-"
"DON'T LIE TO ME YOU DEMON!" Ford slammed his hands on the table, opening the cabinet taking an object out. He looked at Dipper then Pacifica, moving her stand for Dipper can see Pacifica clearly.
Dipper heard a small buzz, he looked down at Ford's hand, the object,

A taser.

"Hey, wait wait wait no you'll hurt her!" Dipper started lighting his hand to get the constraints off but to no avail. Dipper froze when he saw the taser jabbed into Pacifica's side.
Pacifica's eyes shot open, a purple glow coming from her eyes.
Ford stood back, Dipper just stood their frozen.
There for the first time he saw Pacifica, with dark purple eyes, and a black cat like slit as a pupil.
"Oi, what you starring at their halfie."
Pacifica's voice was not her own, it sounded more male and vocabulary was very different.
Pacifica turned her head, "Is that her name, the little brown one said that also, sadly I am not. The names Killian."
Where has Dipper heard that name before, did Bill ever mention a Killian? Killian? Killian? Ian?


"You, but he said you had red eyes,"
Pacifica smirked, "your talking about the middle child, Kill. I'm part of the Cipher tree but you just don't know me yet."
Dipper looked at Pacifica or Killian?
Ford walked forward, both of them visibly flinching.
"Now. Who summoned you." Fords voice was dark.
"Oi, if you wanna find that out at least let me go. After all it's not very gentlemen like to tie your guest in a table." Ford growled,
"Who. Summoned. You!" Ford punched the blonde in the gut.
Dipper just starred at the possessed Pacifica, who was he? Was he kind? Or was his first thoughts the same as Bills?
His thoughts were cut off when he heard a faint, "Ford?"
All three looked at the direction of the voice, Mabel.
"SHO-MABEL!" Dipper called out.
Mabel looked at Pacifica, Dipper, then Ford,
" Grunkle Ford you said you weren't gonna hurt them." Mabel eyes landed on Dipper.
"You said we could make it up to him, and promised not TO HURT THEM!" Mabel's voice started picking up.
Ford looked down, "untie them."
Ford looked back up,
Mabel stood her ground, walking forward, "untie them."
Dipper and Killian just looked back at each other then to the other two.
"Mabel this isn't your brot-"
"YES HE IS!" Mabel ran towards Dipper, trying to untie his restrains.
Ford just grabbed her and pushed her away from the two demons.
"I DO I'M SAVING MY BROTHER FROM A MONSTER!" Ford froze, Mabel took this chance to run and untie them both.
"Why thank you, little star."
Mabel just starred at Pacifica, "who summoned you here, I won't hurt you I promise. And I'm not gonna break my promise after everything that's happened." Mabel looked at Dipper a small reassuring smile on both their faces. "Thank you Mabel."
Everyone froze, the quiet buzz affecting all of them.
They all turned to see, there, Ford standing in their only exit.
Killian looked at both of them and then Ford, "Does the lad know we can teleport out of here."
Ford heard and was now running towards Dipper.
And poof. Right before Dipper's eyes the lab was gone and replaced with a green forest.
He held on tight to someone's hand, looking to the side to see Mabel shaken up.
"Come on, he'll find us soon and I need to warn Bill."
Mabel and Killian perked up, "HES NOT DEAD!?"
Dipper jumped and starred at Killian with curiosity.
"How did you say you were related to Bill."
Pacifica froze, "ah- you see I believe you and Him should know that together, trust me. It's a doozy."
Mabel started talking after, "so he's not dead, I can make it up to him as well, I can say I'm sorry, I can-"
"Mabel it's ok."
Mabel started tearing up, she hugged Dipper, mumbling sorry over and over again.
Dipper had to pick up Mabel and walk as Killian followed from behind.
They passed by Zane's little cottage, hearing the small barks.
Dipper walked around and finally landed at the tree of hope.
There he heard talking, Zane and Bill.
When Dipper was walking into the illusion he saw something he wouldn't believe.
Harharhar cliffhanger!!!
Also. Killian was inspired by a certain show and a certain pirate.....probably my favorite character in that whole show but Ima make Killian lovable because him and Zane are now part of the crew ppls and I'm not changing that.

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